Pics from the M'era Luna Festival 2006 -

I have this demo as well.....
including "Illusive Consensus".....
but i prefer Epica.....the sound in "sahara dust" was terrible...
it's also because Cry for the moon was also released later as an Epica single in better quality that gave the Sahara dust version a "demo" status.

so yeah I basicly agree with you.
How do you meet Epica as a fan? Easy- they have the same habbit OL has, to come into the theater after the show to have a chat with fans.
It might be that Simone is not coming out, because people get crazy when she's around. I hope you can meet them, because I think they are some of the nicest people you'll ever meet in the circus of metalbands. (hey OL is my number one here ofcourse)
It's not Simone's fault she's dutch and pretty...
by the way you told me back then Mark and Irene (Jansen) are not related
should I get from this Simone and Jeroen aren't related either?
simons is also pretty common
Most metal musicians are really nice actually. I'm not really an Epica fan (no offense to anyone).
Besides, I'm still really bummed today that I am not able to get to NY until the 11th so I'm going to miss Venom tonight:cry: . At least I can see Celtic Frost next week and Maiden in October:headbang: .
paradoxile said:
should I get from this Simone and Jeroen aren't related either?
simons is also pretty common

no...they are not!

it's like every dutch band has to pick 2 persons with the same last name....

except "The Gathering".....there you can find 2 brothers.....
hehehhe- now have a look at the Within Temptation line-up. there's 2 brothers in this band.
Have you ever taken a closer look at relationships in a band? There are many when the leadsinger is a woman.
Within Temptation: sharon& Robert are a couple
Epica: Simone& Mark were a couple
After forever: Floor& Sander are a couple
Nemesea: Manda& Hendrik are a couple

Morticia NL. said:
hehehhe- now have a look at the Within Temptation line-up. there's 2 brothers in this band.
Have you ever taken a closer look at relationships in a band? There are many when the leadsinger is a woman.
Within Temptation: sharon& Robert are a couple
Epica: Simone& Mark were a couple
After forever: Floor& Sander are a couple
Nemesea: Manda& Hendrik are a couple


That's why IMHO, the only good Metal band led by a woman is Arch Enemy. but may just be because im into Death Metal.
Mangela! I hear she's with Mike actually, which explains why they would keep her and not get Johan back.

Don't forget Holy Moses and Doro! Sabina and Doro rule!

By the way, Arch Enemy= Melo-death/thrash
paradoxile said:
Are you sure Angela Gossow isn't a man?:lol:

We'll i wasn't paying attention to that part of her body.

And about bring Liiva back? man that would be the most stupid move they could make right now. that guy coulnd't growl for shit.
ivry91 said:
And about bring Liiva back? man that would be the most stupid move they could make right now. that guy coulnd't growl for shit.
He has one of the best shouts I've ever heard! He doesn't growl because that is not his style. Arch Enemy is thrash at their base, especially on their first 3 albums. His vocals were a throaty shout. His vocals are even better in Hearse.
Angela cannot growl for shit either.

Metal head87 said:
He has one of the best shouts I've ever heard! He doesn't growl because that is not his style. Arch Enemy is thrash at their base, especially on their first 3 albums. His vocals were a throaty shout. His vocals are even better in Hearse.
Angela cannot growl for shit either.


I got to second that my friend.

I'm a death/thrash fan and allways have been(execpt when i took a stupid turn towards power metal in my mid teens..)

Arch Enemy had the Death/Melo sound Michael Amott brought with him from Carcass and Liiva never fit in. they're Thrash stuff was not good in my ear at all. Gossow may sound bad to you. but me and alot of people iv'e spoken to seem to hear shades of Jeffy Walker, Vincent's Death Growls in her vocals and IMHO her vocals is what put Arch Enemy as one of the best Melo Bands today.if you're looking for Thrash sound now though, it ain't gunno happend. butthats just one mans opinion that happends to be mine.
I think that Liiva fit very well on the first 3 albums, especially Burning Bridges which I consider one of the best melo-death/thrash albums ever recorded.

I do think Angela does have a Jeff Walker influence, but she is nowhere near his level. Her voice just gets on my nerves while his voice was very calm and fluid.
I will admit though, she is a hell of a lot better than all the Melissa Cross loving, emo/screamo/metalcore/mallcore/nu-metal vocalists out there. She just fails in comparison to Liiva, Walker, Dan Swanö, Mikael Stanne, old Anders Friden, Thomas Lindberg, old Bjorn Strid, Joakim Gothberg etc
We'll looks like that's one thing we both have different opinions on.

Btw in all that big list, where's David Vincent?