I did one day trip to Tampere Metal Festifal to see WASP and twisted sister.
As the name sounds there was Hot at hell.
Well First band that I did see was Finnish Viking metal band Ensiferum
And some pics of WASP.
I did wait long time to see them live and have to say that
they did play amzing gig what I can say.
Altought I don´t know who was the other players beside Blackie.
They did realy give 100% and played songs from First and second album and for Crimson Idol.
And then did Come the Main Band Twisted Fukcing Sister.
What can I say WOW.
Shit They did realy played fuking good gig.
Dee Snider Is realy the Man who know how to make audience screem.
It could see that tehy realy enjoy to play and give 200% of theyr energy.
It as realy hard to take good picture from them cos those two feet monster in
front of me.:zombie: And cos the band has to run every time I´m tying to
take photo.
30minutes before Twisted sister.
As the name sounds there was Hot at hell.
Well First band that I did see was Finnish Viking metal band Ensiferum

And some pics of WASP.
I did wait long time to see them live and have to say that
they did play amzing gig what I can say.

Altought I don´t know who was the other players beside Blackie.
They did realy give 100% and played songs from First and second album and for Crimson Idol.

And then did Come the Main Band Twisted Fukcing Sister.
What can I say WOW.
Shit They did realy played fuking good gig.
Dee Snider Is realy the Man who know how to make audience screem.
It could see that tehy realy enjoy to play and give 200% of theyr energy.
It as realy hard to take good picture from them cos those two feet monster in
front of me.:zombie: And cos the band has to run every time I´m tying to
take photo.

30minutes before Twisted sister.