Pics Sauna Open Air:WASP-Twisted Sister

Jan 6, 2006
In the land of ice and snow
I did one day trip to Tampere Metal Festifal to see WASP and twisted sister.
As the name sounds there was Hot at hell.

Well First band that I did see was Finnish Viking metal band Ensiferum

And some pics of WASP.
I did wait long time to see them live and have to say that
they did play amzing gig what I can say.:kickass:
Altought I don´t know who was the other players beside Blackie.
They did realy give 100% and played songs from First and second album and for Crimson Idol.




And then did Come the Main Band Twisted Fukcing Sister.
What can I say WOW.
Shit They did realy played fuking good gig.
Dee Snider Is realy the Man who know how to make audience screem.
It could see that tehy realy enjoy to play and give 200% of theyr energy.
It as realy hard to take good picture from them cos those two feet monster in
front of me.:zombie: And cos the band has to run every time I´m tying to
take photo.:lol:


30minutes before Twisted sister.






Fantastic pics there and Twisted Sister are absolutely incredible live - I'm still in a state of shock at how awesome both TW and Hanoi Rocks were a few nights ago - utterly and totally mindblowing. Would love to see both bands again!!
Great review and great pics! Looks like it was a lot of fun. Thanks for sharing. :rock: :kickass:

Looks like Blackie had a normal mic stand. Maybe he couldn't get his big one through customs. :lol:
Those Lordi pics are superb and the pyros look totally awesome. I'm definitely getting ticket to see them in Glasgow at end of October now - and here's hoping they have those mindblowing pyros there as well.
princess_of_the_night2112 said:
Those Lordi pics are superb and the pyros look totally awesome. I'm definitely getting ticket to see them in Glasgow at end of October now - and here's hoping they have those mindblowing pyros there as well.

If it's indoors just make sure you know where the exits are and be ready to run! :)
Hehehehe. I can't even find my way into the correct toilets at the Garage, let alone try and find a fire exit:lol: . They are playing at The Garage and I've been there a few times but I've never seen any pyros at any Glasgow gig, not that I remember anyway, so there's probably some sort of restrictions forbidding bands having pyros. I did see pyros at The Glasgow Apollo, Krokus had some good ones, but that was about 20 years ago, so they've probably clamped right down on stuff like that. I still fancy seeing Lordi though, I know a couple of folk that are going, so I might as well tag along - it should be a good show with or without the pryos.
Great pics there, are those made with a special camera or so ? Pics have an odd size that I like alot, give a good view off the stage !!!
That's good to know Death Animal - I hope they bring their pyros to Glasgow with them, they look out of this world.

I forgot to tell youse a funny story about the last time I went to The Garage (this is the venue that Lordi are playing at). I went to see Magnum just before Christmas and I always get frisked at every gig I go to and always get my handbag searched - I don't know what they think I'm going to be taking into the gig anyway!!!!! I got bodily frisked at the top of the stairs and my handbag got searched and the female steward looked into my handbag and pointed to something and said "You cannot bring that into The Garage because its contraband". I was speechless and I'm looking in my bag wondering what she was talking about. I asked what she meant and she said "The chewing-gum, the management doesn't allow gum in here, its banned". LOL I was stunned and she took the 2 packets of chewinggum off me and handed me a ticket so I could pick it up at the end of the night". How unreal is that:lol: . At the end of the night I wasn't going to bother asking for my gum back but my friends told me to go and get it, so when I handed my ticket over, they handed me back my gum but they had wrapped about ten ton of cellotape round it, it took me about AN HOUR to rip the cellotape off the damn stuff!!!!!!

And the best laugh was that during the concert I was rummaging around in my bag for my lighter, and low and behold I pulled out a packet of gum, which the steward obviously didn't see. So I was quite pleased that I managed to smuggle some illegal substances into The Garage:lol:
Death Animal said:
And some pics of WASP.
I did wait long time to see them live and have to say that
they did play amzing gig what I can say.:kickass:
Altought I don´t know who was the other players beside Blackie.
They did realy give 100% and played songs from First and second album and for Crimson Idol.

Just be glad you never saw any lineup with Chris Holmes still in the band. Chris likes to drink - especially before they play a show. 2 performances from W.A.S.P. I've attended have been forever marred by a sloppy, drunk guitar player. :mad:
carnut said:
Great pics there, are those made with a special camera or so ? Pics have an odd size that I like alot, give a good view off the stage !!!

Well I just got this new Nikon cool pix s3 whit 6.0 megapixel
I did take 100 photos and they didn´t always went so great.

Like this


And there is always somebodys hand in the picture.:heh:

princess_of_the_night2112 said:
That's good to know Death Animal - I hope they bring their pyros to Glasgow with them, they look out of this world.

I forgot to tell youse a funny story about the last time I went to The Garage (this is the venue that Lordi are playing at). I went to see Magnum just before Christmas and I always get frisked at every gig I go to and always get my handbag searched - I don't know what they think I'm going to be taking into the gig anyway!!!!! I got bodily frisked at the top of the stairs and my handbag got searched and the female steward looked into my handbag and pointed to something and said "You cannot bring that into The Garage because its contraband". I was speechless and I'm looking in my bag wondering what she was talking about. I asked what she meant and she said "The chewing-gum, the management doesn't allow gum in here, its banned". LOL I was stunned and she took the 2 packets of chewinggum off me and handed me a ticket so I could pick it up at the end of the night". How unreal is that:lol: . At the end of the night I wasn't going to bother asking for my gum back but my friends told me to go and get it, so when I handed my ticket over, they handed me back my gum but they had wrapped about ten ton of cellotape round it, it took me about AN HOUR to rip the cellotape off the damn stuff!!!!!!

And the best laugh was that during the concert I was rummaging around in my bag for my lighter, and low and behold I pulled out a packet of gum, which the steward obviously didn't see. So I was quite pleased that I managed to smuggle some illegal substances into The Garage:lol:

LOL!! Thats a hilarious story princes! But wtf about the cello tape??
Death Animal said:
That was first time I realy used my camera.
I´m going to see celtic frost too btw.:kickass:
Hope they play good gig.
They will be coming to a festival and usually when in festivals my friends don’t wanna stand too close to the stage for fear of the mosh-pit so I can’t really get any good photos since I am always too far.I had a couple at me cell phone from last year at Sabbath but they turned out like shit !
Great photos DA, Twisted Sister still look like the scariest bunch of muthas out there! Wished I was there:kickass: