pics that emotionally affect you

Bambi said:
youre a homosexual catholic with too much money and a hatred of muslims??
I'm poor, so I share a horse with a fellow knight. Defending pilgrims on their crusades was just a facade. We excavated some documents underneath Salomon's temple instead.
today I helped some old dear carry a turkey and a ham onto the bus, then i helped her take them off again despite the fact it was a mile from my stop AND I carried them to her house for her, which was a ten mintue walk. I could feel little baby jesus smiling down on me.

so yiz can go shove yer kindness comments up yizzer collective nat king coles :wave:
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@lisa: no need for pictures here, eh. guess anyone has seen loads of them, and on telly.... horrible.

i think they might show some more respect, these journalists. i mean, do they really really need to show all these close-ups of dead bodies??? i don't want to see all that...
yes, they do. gives a better representation of the disaster than some mere statistics. if you can't watch it, you should just turn it off.

what bugs me, however, are those journalists who shoves their cameraes up the noses of those grieving people, or those that are reunited with their loved ones. have some fucking manners, why don't'cha?!