Does music affect political and non-political views?

Hawng said:
Can the music of a bands with heavey political veiws affect the thinkings of the people that listen to it?

I think so...especially in seeing the reactions by people here on these boards...people are far too affected and far too attached to things that are beyond their true reality. Look at the fascination with celebrity, for example...people actually get upset and judge and form opinions about people they will never know...this is fed by the media and music can have much the same impact. There are many examples of loonies and their reactions to lyrics or the break up of bands...those are extreme but the influence can also be more subtle.
schenkadere said:
I think so...especially in seeing the reactions by people here on these boards...people are far too affected and far too attached to things that are beyond their true reality. Look at the fascination with celebrity, for example...people actually get upset and judge and form opinions about people they will never know...this is fed by the media and music can have much the same impact. There are many examples of loonies and their reactions to lyrics or the break up of bands...those are extreme but the influence can also be more subtle.
I know whats your saying. Its funny, if you talk ( argue) with those people from the nevermore board they are totaly against the goverment. I dont think it would matter if Kerry won the elections, they would still bitch about what ever, now check this out....

5. The Politics of Ecstasy

I hate you, the pigs who turn the screws, I hate everything you stand for
I hate the world we've bred, political pigs we've fed, our fathers left us nothing but a dead world
Beyond repair down in despair, our fathers left us nothing
Choking on the influx of technology I realize the politics of ecstasy
And we can't change what's in stone
We've been had. Injustice to the masses, destroy the land and crush the poor
The pigs are fueled by greed, political ways obscene, our fathers left corruption in this dead world
Beyond repair down is despair, our fathers left us nothing
Choking on the puke of their industry, regurgitated propaganda ministry
Freedom's never free, the politics of ecstasy are these:
Freedom's never free, these are the politics of ecstasy:
I hate you , the pigs who turn the screws, I hate everything you stand for
I hate the world we've bred, political pigs we've fed, our fathers left us nothing but a dead world
Beyond repair down in despair, our fathers left us nothing
Choking on the influx of technology I realize the politics of ecstasy
Freedom's never free, the politics of ecstasy are these:
Freedom's never free, the politics of ecstasy are these:
If you take a step back and you realize your home can't be a perfect world
There's still hope the hate you fell will fade, injustice is gone:
Injustice is gone for a little while
5. The Politics of Ecstasy

I hate you, the pigs who turn the screws, I hate everything you stand for
I hate the world we've bred, political pigs we've fed, our fathers left us nothing but a dead world
Beyond repair down in despair, our fathers left us nothing
Choking on the influx of technology I realize the politics of ecstasy
And we can't change what's in stone
We've been had. Injustice to the masses, destroy the land and crush the poor
The pigs are fueled by greed, political ways obscene, our fathers left corruption in this dead world
Beyond repair down is despair, our fathers left us nothing
Choking on the puke of their industry, regurgitated propaganda ministry
Freedom's never free, the politics of ecstasy are these:
Freedom's never free, these are the politics of ecstasy:
I hate you , the pigs who turn the screws, I hate everything you stand for
I hate the world we've bred, political pigs we've fed, our fathers left us nothing but a dead world
Beyond repair down in despair, our fathers left us nothing
Choking on the influx of technology I realize the politics of ecstasy
Freedom's never free, the politics of ecstasy are these:
Freedom's never free, the politics of ecstasy are these:
If you take a step back and you realize your home can't be a perfect world
There's still hope the hate you fell will fade, injustice is gone:
Injustice is gone for a little while

And you disagree with this?
It all depends on the listener, of course.

I still love the "Speak English" record although I find the lyrics to be total the end of the day, it's always the actual music which moves me. Heck, you can sing in about fried chicken and it wouldn't matter if the music kicked ass!
Skeckz said:
I hate you, the pigs who turn the screws, I hate everything you stand for
I hate the world we've bred, political pigs we've fed, our fathers left us nothing but a dead world
Beyond repair down in despair, our fathers left us nothing
And you disagree with this?

Our fathers left us nothing?...nothing but the privlege of living in the world's greatest nation.
I usually don't give a shit, I listen to music for the music - even though the message in lyrics, when there's one, is kind of important to me.
i listen to music as a whole. i study the lyrics, but if i dont agree with what's being said... so be it. i can appreciate the artist's right to their views, even if it doesnt mirror my own.

for instance, i'm a HUGE Corrosion of Conformity fan. they're pretty anti-government.
i've expressed my support for Bush at their fan forum and have actually been told by some of the posters there [including the wife of the bassist] that i shouldnt be a COC fan if i'm a supporter of Bush!

i find that mentality to be outright IGNORANT!
You hit the nail right on the head Sue...and i can't believe the ppl on the COC forum would say something like that to you. That is purely ignorant.

I gotta tell ya, i don't agree with a lot of what you guys say on here. I come in here because i like reading opinions that differ from me a whole different way of looking at things. And while i don't agree some of the time, i do respect you guys opinions. Isn't that the way it should be? Sheesh.
Skeckz said:
And you disagree with this?
Yes I do, the general public as a whole views this as progress. People like Warrel Dane write songs based on his feelings about the goverment. Like Inside four Walls....Where Warrels buddy got locked up for selling weed or some shit....

Inside four walls I live my life,doesn't matter what I've done
The governement's always right
They tell us what to be they tell us what to believe
They're wrong my friend is gone

Inside four walls,
Inside four walls
The day they took away my friend

Injustice made it's mark
All the political whores only come out after dark
If anyone knows the way
Build me a bridge so I won't fall astray

Inside four walls,inside four walls my friend
They took away your freedom
And the pigs still preach their lies

The system falls apart
The pigs still laugh feeding off our broken lives
Can anyone tell me why
Some violent criminals do far less time?

Inside four walls,inside four walls my friend
They took away your freedom
And the pigs still preach their lies

Inside four walls,inside four walls my friend
They took away your freedom
And the pigs still preach their lies
Inside four walls,inside four walls my friend
They took away your freedom

But they'll never take your mind

Now why did Warrle Danes friend get locked up? He broke the law. If you dont follow the law, the goverment will punish you for your crimes. The law is created for people who comitt the crimes. For years there were no laws against Beastiality in Washington state. Now it took Lord Galatrons boy friend , Barry, taking a horse dick up his ass, getting his colon tore up and dying from it for them to create a law against it. Now all the homo horse fuckers are going to be outraged and say shit like it is their right to screw horses and that the goverment is bad.

How about this for a senerio,
John Does friend, Jim sold a shit load of weed to a bunch of distributers that were pushing that shit at playgrounds and school, selling to minors. Now Johns freind, Jim didnt know that the weed was being sold at schools, lets say he didnt care where they sold it as long as he was getting paid. The police find out about it. They want to big guys who is moving the weight. so after investigating for a while the have enough evidence to bust Jim.
After going to court, by a trial judged by his peers, Jim is found guilty of operating a criminal enterprise, possesion with intent to distribute, and a slew of other charges. He is sent to prision for 20 years no parole.
Does Jim Deserve what he got?
Hawng said:
Yes I do, the general public as a whole views this as progress. People like Warrel Dane write songs based on his feelings about the goverment. Like Inside four Walls....Where Warrels buddy got locked up for selling weed or some shit....

Now why did Warrle Danes friend get locked up? He broke the law. If you dont follow the law, the goverment will punish you for your crimes. The law is created for people who comitt the crimes. For years there were no laws against Beastiality in Washington state. Now it took Lord Galatrons boy friend , Barry, taking a horse dick up his ass, getting his colon tore up and dying from it for them to create a law against it. Now all the homo horse fuckers are going to be outraged and say shit like it is their right to screw horses and that the goverment is bad.

How about this for a senerio,
John Does friend, Jim sold a shit load of weed to a bunch of distributers that were pushing that shit at playgrounds and school, selling to minors. Now Johns freind, Jim didnt know that the weed was being sold at schools, lets say he didnt care where they sold it as long as he was getting paid. The police find out about it. They want to big guys who is moving the weight. so after investigating for a while the have enough evidence to bust Jim.
After going to court, by a trial judged by his peers, Jim is found guilty of operating a criminal enterprise, possesion with intent to distribute, and a slew of other charges. He is sent to prision for 20 years no parole.
Does Jim Deserve what he got?

Well yes, in a way, but I don't think that's the point of the song. There is a speaking part in Inside Four Walls that goes: "It's a cold fact that in the United States of America, typically drug offenders do more time than child molesters, rapists, and murderers. Is this justice? Is this the American way?"

Does Dane have a point? Yes.

From Wikipedia:

A study made by the U.S. Department of Justice of prison releases in 1992, involving about 80 percent of the prison population, found that the average sentence for convicted rapists was 9.8 years, while the actual time served was 5.4 years. This follows the typical pattern for violent crimes in the US, where those convicted typically serve no more than half of their sentence.

In 1996, 59.6% of prisoners were drug-related criminals. U.S. population grew by about +25% from 1980 to 2000. In that same 20 year time period, U.S. prison population tripled. To make room in prison for incoming drug users and dealers, all inmates, including violent criminals are having their sentences shortened or are being paroled early.

In the U.S., the penalty for illegal drug possession and sale can vary from 1 year to a life sentence. Most non-violent first time offenders guilty of drug possession get a mandatory minimum sentence of 5 years with no parole, or 10 years with no parole if he has a large quantity of drugs. This prison time is doubled (10 or 20 years) if has been imprisoned for drug possession before.

Can anyone tell me why
Some violent criminals do far less time?
It depends on the person. Myself, I don't agree with alot of things Billy(among other artists, but since this is his board, I'll use his) says, However, I don't believe he is a racist or bigot as some people claim. He's an outspoken individual who happens to be very opinionated, which I love. Its a very rare trait to have this day and age. I probably don't agree with 75% of his political views, but like I said, thats not why I come here.

You see some assholes who listen to Rage or System who start spouting off about Bush, just because they think it makes them sound intelligent or well informed, but you can always see right through jerks like that anyway. If you don't like Bush, then fine( I happen to think he's just above being sweetly retarded). But don't base it off some toolbag who sounds like he's yodeling over distorted guitars or hiding behind an effects rack.
say10 said:
It depends on the person. Myself, I don't agree with alot of things Billy(among other artists, but since this is his board, I'll use his) says, However, I don't believe he is a racist or bigot as some people claim. He's an outspoken individual who happens to be very opinionated, which I love. Its a very rare trait to have this day and age. I probably don't agree with 75% of his political views, but like I said, thats not why I come here.

You see some assholes who listen to Rage or System who start spouting off about Bush, just because they think it makes them sound intelligent or well informed, but you can always see right through jerks like that anyway. If you don't like Bush, then fine( I happen to think he's just above being sweetly retarded). But don't base it off some toolbag who sounds like he's yodeling over distorted guitars or hiding behind an effects rack.

Yeah...I think many people just cop their political views from bands and such because they aren't very well's a matter of being lazy and being easily molded.
For instance, I like RATM and some of their lyrics (passages like "can't waste a day when a night brings a hearse" are hilarious), but whenever Tom Morello opens his mouth and starts preaching his communist shit, I have a feeling he should try living at least a few months in communist country...I used to live in one.
johnnieCzech said:
For instance, I like RATM and some of their lyrics (passages like "can't waste a day when a night brings a hearse" are hilarious), but whenever Tom Morello opens his mouth and starts preaching his communist shit, I have a feeling he should try living at least a few months in communist country...I used to live in one.

Good point...we have enough Bono's in the world...just speak through your music and shut the fuck doesn't need to be tied to politics to give it validity.