Just The Facts

Wow, you are ridiculously uninformed. If you knew anything about what you were talking about, you'd realize that everything you said about jews is the exact opposite of what you said. Believe me, if all the money in the world were controlled by jewish lawyers and accounants, there would have been a jewish president by now, in addition to which the Israeli government would have more financial assets than the average third world country. Are jews typically more wealthy than your average white-supremacist? Yes. Now, when you can explain without manipulating statistics how that's a racial trait, or even anything more than a historical coincidence (AS IS EVERY ARGUEMENT YOU'VE COME UP WITH SO FAR) maybe I'd be willing to listen to a fraction of your idiocy. And besides, that's more a reflection of a higher intelligence than anything else - it takes someone smart to be a lawyer rather than a gas station worker like yourself. In case you haven't figured out, blacks have a lot less money than whites. According to your ridiculous and exclusively hypocritical statements, jews have a much higher intellingence than whites, and I'm willing to bet large amounts of money that idiotic i.q. scores would prove that.

Jewish lesbians? Obscenity? Wow...what an idiot you are. I'm not even gonna touch that.

Lastly, because you have the most retarded judgement imaginable, NIRVANA IS THE ANTI-METAL. Nirvana is grunge you dumbass, grunge killed metal! Metal first came into existence around 1970, are you saying that whites have less musical sophistication than other races, as it took them longer to adopt a form of music? Are you saying that metal is purely white in it's influence? Cuz then you'd just be retarded, blacks were first given the slightest opportunity to involve their race in music (through the schools like white boys could) with the civil rights movement. Are you saying it must be a white form of entertainment because it's huge in vastly-white Europe? That's the dumbest thing I ever heard - EUROPE NEVER HAD GRUNGE! EUROPE DOESN'T HAVE LAME WHITE-BOYS WHO DON'T KNOW HOW TO TUNE A GUITAR TRYING TO WRITE BAD SONGS AND GETTING TONS OF MONEY FROM DOUCHEBAGS LIKE YOU WHO STARTED IDENTIFYING WITH THEM! IF YOU KNEW ANYTHING AT ALL ABOUT MUSIC, YOU'D FIGURE THAT OUT!
Here is the truth about these losers.

They all sit around bitching day in and day out, aout how the jews controll all the money, and how the blacks and mexicans steal all the jobs. Truth is, if these inbred hick, white chowder, losers got an education, and were hardworking instead of lazy good for nothing idiots, maybe they would realize that the Jews and the Blacks, and the Mexicans get what they get for either getting an education, or being a hard working member of society.

They all sit around bitching how bad they have it, when it is their own and their fathers before them doing. Talk about being a disgrace to any race. How about get a job assclown, and get an education. Losers

PS How come we cant post on your faggot site. Is it because you are all scared of the real truth. PUSSYS.

coolsnow7 said:
Wow, you are ridiculously uninformed. If you knew anything about what you were talking about, you'd realize that everything you said about jews is the exact opposite of what you said. Believe me, if all the money in the world were controlled by jewish lawyers and accounants, there would have been a jewish president by now, in addition to which the Israeli government would have more financial assets than the average third world country. Are jews typically more wealthy than your average white-supremacist? Yes. Now, when you can explain without manipulating statistics how that's a racial trait, or even anything more than a historical coincidence (AS IS EVERY ARGUEMENT YOU'VE COME UP WITH SO FAR) maybe I'd be willing to listen to a fraction of your idiocy. And besides, that's more a reflection of a higher intelligence than anything else - it takes someone smart to be a lawyer rather than a gas station worker like yourself. In case you haven't figured out, blacks have a lot less money than whites. According to your ridiculous and exclusively hypocritical statements, jews have a much higher intellingence than whites, and I'm willing to bet large amounts of money that idiotic i.q. scores would prove that.

Jewish lesbians? Obscenity? Wow...what an idiot you are. I'm not even gonna touch that.

Lastly, because you have the most retarded judgement imaginable, NIRVANA IS THE ANTI-METAL. Nirvana is grunge you dumbass, grunge killed metal! Metal first came into existence around 1970, are you saying that whites have less musical sophistication than other races, as it took them longer to adopt a form of music? Are you saying that metal is purely white in it's influence? Cuz then you'd just be retarded, blacks were first given the slightest opportunity to involve their race in music (through the schools like white boys could) with the civil rights movement. Are you saying it must be a white form of entertainment because it's huge in vastly-white Europe? That's the dumbest thing I ever heard - EUROPE NEVER HAD GRUNGE! EUROPE DOESN'T HAVE LAME WHITE-BOYS WHO DON'T KNOW HOW TO TUNE A GUITAR TRYING TO WRITE BAD SONGS AND GETTING TONS OF MONEY FROM DOUCHEBAGS LIKE YOU WHO STARTED IDENTIFYING WITH THEM! IF YOU KNEW ANYTHING AT ALL ABOUT MUSIC, YOU'D FIGURE THAT OUT!
Hey Darth Nazi!

What do you thing about the jewish conspiracy to get tattos, hide a few million people, lie about being sent to camps and blame poor Adolph for it? Or how about those white traitors in Denmark and Norway who fought the german occupation forces... the resistence must have been made up of thousands of stalinist lesbians with negro friends!

Om du är riktigt vit så förstår du min pik BONNAJÄVEL, gå nu ut på stallbacken och sug lite drängakuk.
Body Count rules :)
as for this loser, why don´t you get your attention to some Hitler kissing balls board. Heavy metal was never about these things you say, actually heavy metal was never about LOSERS! If you have issues go see your mental doc, in the meantime you can stick your swastika up your gay ass, I could care less.
redaV_htraD said:
It is no surprise that 2004 was one of the worst years ever for metal
Are you fucking retarded?! This once again proves you know NOTHING about metal! There were many great metal releases in 2004, such as Cannibal Corpse's The Wretched Spawn, Motorhead's Inferno, Dio's Master of the Moon, GWAR's War Party, Vader's The Beast, Amon Amarth's Fate of Norns, Darkthrone's Sardonic Wrath. I could go on for a long time naming all the great releases that were released in '04. You once again show your ignorance of metal. Fuck off, and spread your faggot "facts" somewhere else, because you are NOT wanted here!
Cryptkeeper said:
Are you fucking retarded?! This once again proves you know NOTHING about metal! There were many great metal releases in 2004, such as Cannibal Corpse's The Wretched Spawn, Motorhead's Inferno, Dio's Master of the Moon, GWAR's War Party, Vader's The Beast, Amon Amarth's Fate of Norns, Darkthrone's Sardonic Wrath. I could go on for a long time naming all the great releases that were released in '04. You once again show your ignorance of metal. Fuck off, and spread your faggot "facts" somewhere else, because you are NOT wanted here!
Take it easy, Crypt. This guy thinks Green Day and Offspring is metal, just look at his previous post. So there´s no wonder.
Cryptkeeper said:
Why should I take it easy? Arn't you sick of theise fags comming to Billy's forum and spreading their bullshit. This douche is a prime example of somebody with fetal alcohol syndrome.
All these fags spreading their bullshit can go suck their cocks themselves that´s all I care...why bother with these retards
Is your PMS really bad this month (or do yuou get like this every month)? Get your hormones in balance and if you're ever coherent, maybe I'll bother to read your spewing. In the mean time, have fun amusing yourself with your own hate, anger, and kvetching.

You guys out there who seem to know a lot about homos and like to talk about them, their anatomy, and how they connect -- seems a really queer for a metal music thread.

other (O/T):
I guess you're not generating any positive cash flows from whatever you do in music. If not, then face the facts: you're pathetic, and need to stop kidding yourselves about having any 'career' as metal/rock/other musicians.

Still, nothing refuted (or even intelligently discussed here) from 100 FACTS.
hey douchebag, how much money have u generated this year??? for your information, the soul purpose of music is not to make money but entertain people you fuckin idiot, and even if it is, then your whitepower music certainly is at the bottom of the list. If you have a band that made money is probably bcs your mom bought your cd to make you happy. So therefore, you are a pretty pathetic looser and should not even bother posting anymore of your dumbass facts..
redaV_htraD said:
You guys out there who seem to know a lot about homos and like to talk about them, their anatomy, and how they connect -- seems a really queer for a metal music thread.
Talk about it with your white power fellows, it´s highly possible that most of them are closet queers. You can come out, really, no one´s gonna hurt you.

other (O/T):
I guess you're not generating any positive cash flows from whatever you do in music. If not, then face the facts: you're pathetic, and need to stop kidding yourselves about having any 'career' as metal/rock/other musicians.
Now I don´t know who you are talking about. But you can tell us how much your band makes, singing your whitepower Hitler sucking songs.

Still, nothing refuted (or even intelligently discussed here) from 100 FACTS.
We´ve heard all the facts before. Yeah, there ARE genetic differences between the blacks and the whites. Whatever.
I notice that my "button pushing" is generating the majority of posts in this domean and thread. You guys are too easy, not surprisingly, since what you write reveals that actual thoughts and ideas are very rare inside your crania (now I realise that I'm assuming things here -- that you still have at least a few functioning brain cells, for starters)...

Move out of your parent's basements some day and get a life. On second tought, in muffy's case, letting her out will mean institutionalization, so her perent's basement is probably where she belongs. She does need a good stiff fuck, since her dildo doesn't vibrate and her perents don't want to give her a battery powered vibrator (she'll try to suck and swallow the batteries). Some of the others might just end up in prison, so maybe you should remain in your mom's basements too...
Have a ggod 1 idiot. Why are every single one of you losers so fucken stupid. MUFFYTHEVAMPIRELAYER IS THE NAME OF A FUCKEN PORNO FLICK THAT I FOUND QUITE FUNNY.

The only bitch in here is you. Move out of that trailer you live in ( I will bet anyone $100.00) that this faggot lives in the south any takers), get a clue and stay the fuck out of the Milano form. You are poor white trash that is so benieth me. We dont have to prove your "facts' are real or not, becuse we dont give a fuck. The only people that give a shit are the couple hundred losers just like you. And those losers are 3rd class citizens with no cash in their pocket, and no brain in their head.

Have a nice life alone loser. I hope in 2005 that your family is brutally killed, that you are crippled in an accident, and that you are left to suffer for the rest of your pathetic life.

PS ANSWER THIS ONE BITCH. Why the fuck can I not post on the Creators site. Are you all scared little pussies.

NOW GO AND FLIP MY BURGER BITCH. You low income piece of shit.

redaV_htraD said:
I notice that my "button pushing" is generating the majority of posts in this domean and thread. You guys are too easy, not surprisingly, since what you write reveals that actual thoughts and ideas are very rare inside your crania (now I realise that I'm assuming things here -- that you still have at least a few functioning brain cells, for starters)...

Move out of your parent's basements some day and get a life. On second tought, in muffy's case, letting her out will mean institutionalization, so her perent's basement is probably where she belongs. She does need a good stiff fuck, since her dildo doesn't vibrate and her perents don't want to give her a battery powered vibrator (she'll try to suck and swallow the batteries). Some of the others might just end up in prison, so maybe you should remain in your mom's basements too...
redaV_htraD said:
Move out of your parent's basements some day and get a life.
We have lives. It's cunts like you that have no life. You people are so sad, you have to resort to the internet to spread your bullshit. In case you didn't figure it out yet, WE DON'T WANT YOU HERE! Can you tiney, pea sized brain understand that?! Why don't you go back to sodomizing little boys, or jerking off to pictures of Hitler?