Just The Facts

Ummm yea, you douchebag, there's nothing to intelligently discuss about you're twisted facts. I bet I can easily do the exact same thing to prove that whites are coniving backstabbers and have genes that make them arrogant, selfish, and insecure naturally, whether or not it's completely false. You're especially moronic if you think that you have a life compared to anyone here, and you obviously just use music as an outlet for your douchiness. (greenday=metal. offspring=metal. mastadon=metal. MORON) Get a life, realize that your hatred is completely born of insecurity and a fucked up mentality, and fuck yourself.
The one and only real metal band is Manowar. Why, they even mention metal in every song - you just can't beat that! On the scale of "metalness" (I made that one up myself!) I give Manowar 10! And S.O.D. clocks in at 9,8763.
Redav bollocks..You aint the first you aint gonna be the last...
snowplowfuck came and went with his white power shit, and i found him slightly more fun than you...I dont rise to it no more BECAUSE YOUR DUMB!!!!!!!.
Or a wank over Adolf, Ralf or any other fag.
I AM better than some trailer trash white power piece of shit for many reasons INCLUDING I have more cash than him. That isnt childish,thats a fucken fact., welcome to the real world.

gaschamber said:
muffy, that "ill take my burger medium" shit was pretty funny, ill say that much. but you aint better than somebody cause you have more money. thats just childish shit.
racism excluded
Fact: this world is getting smaller and smaller because of internet and cheaper airline tickets
Fact: this world is getting more and more crowded
Fact: people from different countries will live in the same neighbourhood
Fact: there's nothing you can do about it
Fact: you're gonna say you can
You know, everyone is entitled to their own thoughts and ideas on others. But, I have never seen the point of spewing off on so much hatred and abuse on other races you deem "not worthwhile". Why don't you spend your time and energy on something a little bit more constructive like improving YOUR OWN life. Stop worrying about the IQ levels and what a black man did or did not invent.

Stop being such a fucking waste of time and do something more useful than starting flame wars on sites where no one will agree with you anyways.

Or maybe you have realized you have nothing really to offer anyone in a REAL LIFE relationship and you are really just mad at yourself. Could be...?
redaV_htraD said:
Facts have a way of overwhelming "political correctness". That is because Facts are true regardless of whether you accept or reject them, while Political Correctness is a deliberate effort to deny facts by telling peasant lies. Political Coirrectness was invented by people who can't deal with reality because the real world is not as they wish it was. Facts do not need laws or regulations in order to be validated, but political correctness does. That is why we have PC laws that give special rights to butt-fuckers, non-whites, lazy people, stupid people, and every degenerate with a sob story -- and which have also nearly made stating the obvious facts a crime, punishable with government sanctions.

So here are some FACTS to get you started.


Metal music is for anyone who wants to listen. I have seen by responses to previous posts that trying to debate intelligently with you is futile. You are a true inspiration for birth control!

Life is the most common STD