Recommended political books

Sepsis said:
Hey Cryptkeeper!
Thanks for the welcome. I love O'Reilly and Hannity. My favorite O'Reilly book is 'Who's Looking Out For You?' but all three of them (not counting 'Those Who Trespass' - I haven't read it.) are very good.
Who's Looking Out for You is very good. I said I think his best is The No Spin Zone, but I really can't decide. I'm reading his new book, The O'Reilly Factor for Kids" right now. All kids, ages 9-16 need to read this book! It's great! Those Who Trespass is a good suspence novel.

PS Your profile says that you're the vocalist for a band called Cryptkeeper. Have you a URL or some MP3s? I'm always on the lookout for awesome bands.
Unfourtanily, no. We just got done writing the second demo. We should start recording soon. The first demo is done, and we know a guy who runs a inde. record company, and we are hoping to give the demo to him.
I just want to point out that every newspaper which bothered to fact-check quickly disproved all the allegations made by Unfit For Command.

If you must restrict yourself to reading books that present a viewpoint that you're already on the side of, read something by George Will, William Safire or Stephen Carter. At least they're real conservatives. If you want to try the other side and you don't have the patience for Chomsky (for which I cannot blame you), read Al Franken's books (sort of like Michael Moore without the marketing and inflammatory fact distortion.) I particularly recommend Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them, especially if you're under the delusion that Ann Coulter knows what she's talking about.

Or just go to and read Paul Krugman's column. He's both credible and readable.
The Savage Nation, The Enemy Within - Micheal Savage
Mexifornia - Victor Davis Hanson
by Samuel P. Huntington
Who Are We : The Challenges to America's National Identity
by Samuel P. Huntington