'Tis the Season

such puerile attempts at internet-tough guy status.

most people that lose control on internet message boards, like you and MyHatred have, are proven failures in the 'real world.'

you couldnt walk around in reality and talk to people like you're talking here. you'd suffer an embarrassing beat down.

enjoy yourself here. say something else totally irrelevant and senseless, then pat yourself on the back over how well you're doing.
i dont mind. i consider the source and let it go.
i've got too much satisfaction in my life to take trolls seriously.

The fact of the matter is, while I don't disagree with some of your views, I disagree with your methods of voicing them. I'm only giving you a taste of your own medicine.

You are an embarrassment to your fellow conservatives. There are good points and bad points to both sides, and the good points about conservatives are that they know how to lose gracefully. They bow out with dignity and stoicism. You, on the other hand, are like a little annoying lap-dog, never knowing when to shut up. You are just like the bleeding heart liberals that bitch and complain endlessly...quite ironic, since you so vehemently bash everyone who subscribes to ANYTHING but your own view. You make Dubya look like George Washington.

I find it FUCKING HILARIOUS that you mention "walking around in real life speaking in the manner that you speak to people here". YOU of all the posters on this board have the audacity to say that. You think you know what "real life" is? You think I'm acting like a dick? I never mentioned you, even referenced anything to you and you went on some tirade about me and my views. I never targeted anyone, but you had to open your big, uneducated mouth so now you are gonna get what's coming to you. If you don't like how people treat you on this board, then stop being a fucking bitch when someone disagrees with you. I simply made a couple of "thinking out loud" posts that were not offensive in any way, and you had to fuck up a good chance for a polite, educated, and rational debate. People like you could fuck up a rock fight. Nevermind, it's over your head anyway.

Yes, yes, I'm a failure. I've seen more shit, experienced more cultures, been involved in two wars in the defense of my country, speak a foreign language, traveled the world and have seen shit and been involved first hand in things that you blather on about in some mindless tirade on a message board. YOU are gonna tell ME that somehow you know something about this world, this nation and it's inner workings that I don't and that I'M an idiot? It is inconceivable to even reply to such utter nonsense. I guess living in North Carolina gives you the omnipotence to judge everyone and their mother. Again, nevermind, it's over your head anyway.

What you don't understand is that when people disagree with you, they aren't attacking you. They are simply voicing their opinion usually in a rational way. Then you have to counter with some bullshit you stole from a Bill O'Reilly segment on Fox News or some other bullshit you read in the book of that walking excuse for an abortion, Ann Coulter. You would be a really, really, really shitty politician. I sincerely hope you were born in the 80's because it is inconceivable for me to think that someone in their late 20's/early 30's could be as ridiculously ill-informed as you have displayed here tonight. If it is in fact true, there is no hope for us all.

The reason you have nothing more to say is because you can't say anything else, which is good. You are out of your league, and I suggest we start over and end this topic immediately before you get your feelings hurt. I have patience for just about everyone and I'm a forgiving guy, but I have no patience for stupidity and even less patience for wastes of oxygen. Let's just end this thread because it's out of hand and start something new. I don't hold grudges, so if you can act like a civilized human being for once, then I'm fine with that.
Thanks! And you're pretty erudite and well-written. I mean, Sen. Kerry suggests you army types are all gawking morons too stupid to know to write your names, too retarded to know what you were signing when you entered the recruiting office, and therefore too dumb to know you shouldn't go around killing babies and setting huts on fire. Oh, wait. Maybe he was just having a senior moment, flashing back to his youthful days in the Cambodian army..., or wherever he claimed to be. :goggly:

how do you know so much about Italy? The average assburn thinks of the Sopranos, while you actually have a decent grasp on what's going on.

Been there many times, Signor. Love the food, love the scenery. Loathe the people, and they loathe me! Can't say why. I get along brilliantly with Germans and Russians. But not with Italians.

As far as the police and the Carabinieri, they are nothing compared to the donut-eating, couldn't-hack-it-in-the-military-so-I-became-a-retard-cop pigs we have in the states.

Fine, can't argue about the SS attitude and Sargeant Schultz laziness of American cops.

Italia is twice as free as the US, ironically, since we saved them from a dictatorship.

Ehh, believe me, our political system serves us well. Italia could use a jolt of dictatorship now and then to wrap up 40 or 50 of their pointless parties and those caring folk from Western Sicily.

All I'm saying is that the people THINK that the US is the most free nation on earth, when in fact it's not even close. A friend of mine is working in San Francisco right now and when he came back for a visit to Italy, he was appalled at how much our freedom is being trampled on every day...and he works in the homo capital of the US! More and more Americans are choosing to live abroad, and less and less foreigners are coming to the US.

I had the same experience with a friend who lives in Stuttgart. Funny thing is, whenever I'd visit him, he'd spend all his time complaining about the moronic laws and corrupt dogs who run the fat wasteful bureaucracies over there. Not to mention the daily sabotage of police cameras that snap pictures of speeding cars, which costs taxpayers a million euros a year. Shows that there's no such thing as paradise.

This is a good thing, IMO. It lets many Americans see other parts of the world and have a better outlook on the world, while at the same time all the dumbfuck Americans who don't know their ass from a hole in the ground stay right where they are...in their trailer parks.

Yeah, but they're OUR dumbfucks, so let's no be too nasty.

Sometimes I wish we had closed-circuit tv broadcasting so the rest of the world wouldn't see just how much of an idiot our president is. I'm not even talking about his decisions, either...I'm just speaking in general.

Presidential idiocy has caused me humiliation in the past. I'm talking about Signor Bill, sometime in 1999. I was repeatedly cornered by various Europeans across the Continent and even a loudmouth Aussie in Frankfurt, all of whom were asking me why I hate Serbia and want to kill Serbian children and bomb Belgrade on Easter? I was called an imperialist, a terror bomber, and other names that should be reserved for al Qaida.

I had the pleasure of professing that I, too, hated Bill Clinton, and admired Serbia's military confrontation of Islamic albanian terrorists in Kosovo. Which I did. And that I thought our brutal 72 day bombardment of Serbia for no reason was a crime against humanity for which Madaleine Albright and Bill Clinton and Bill Cohen should all stand trial in the Hague...

Been there.

But President Bush, an idiot? For overthrowing Saddam? No apologies, none of the time! :heh:

The same goes for the average dumbass who lives in the US and never tries to have an open mind about anything. Keep them there and don't let them migrate to other places...state-sponsored sterilization would be a good decision on their part.

That's all right. They are the toilers, not the decision-makers.

I appreciate your tolerance and I dig your sense of humor. Maybe I was a little overzealous in my criticism...or maybe you really are a dick and just don't care, haha.

This is the only place where I can state my intellectual opinions while pouring spite and vitriol in a violent manner. In other words, I can be a total dick and not feel dumb for it :loco:


Excellent post. While some of your views may be offensive to some at the beginning, if you dig a little deeper you can see that you really are a cultured man of the world. Bravo.

My problem is kinda the opposite. I get along with a lot of Italians (except for fucking punks), but the Germans really fucking annoy me sometimes. I think it's just the attitude because I'm a really laid back individual and Germans are, well, like Nazis sometimes. Everything must be like THIS, there can be no exception, no deviation. I refuse to subscribe to that theory.

However, you hit the nail on the head with Italian beaurocracy. The politicians here are simply a disgrace...no doubt about it. The Italian people are so fed up with it that they just completely ignore them now...it's quite amusing. They're actually more interested with our (as in the US) politics than their own because while our politicians may be self-serving hypocrites, they're NOTHING compared to the ridiculousness of politics in Italy.

While there are some annoyances about Italy for me, I can't say that I'm really disgusted with anything, whereas in the US there are many things that disgust me about how our way of life is. Italy has NO political correctness, and I fucking love that. If you don't like it, that's your problem, in their opinion...and that's fucking awesome. While the US is busy pandering to the Muslim regimes because they have deep pockets, when they should be just letting them kill themselves off, the Italian government doesn't give a fuck. If you are of Arab descent and you are coming through the airport, you're gonna get searched...there's no random bullshit going on here. When I came back through the US a couple of years ago on leave from the AF, I got searched so thoroughly I thought I was gonna get the full-body cavity search. Here I was, on leave with a military ID getting all but strip searched and Mohammed in front of me was completely let off the hook because it was a random search and we couldn't use racial profiling or anything like that. Yeah, that makes sense. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and talks like a duck...you better make sure that duck doesn't have a bomb in its shoes. The attitude in Italy is more like, "Oh, you don't like getting profiled because you're Muslim or of Arab descent? Then turn around and go back to your own country." Consequently, we have very little problems with immigrants because the proverbial smack is constantly laid down here. Albanians, north Africans, the works. They know they're on thin fucking ice here. As badass as the US is with all our toys and gadgets, we're ultimately the lap-dog of the Muslim countries as long as they've got their bank accounts in our country. Fuck that and fuck them. Let them kill themselves off. I have no problems with Muslim or Arabic people who come to the US for a better life...it's the people who come to the US and expect us to change our point of views and our way of life to suit them. The sad part about it, though, is that the government does just that to appease them. IMO, a culture who still has the mindset of a society 500 years ago, firmly rooted in a radical relgion and has yet to adapt to the modern practices of free speech and human rights has no place in the modern society. Turkey will never be part of the EU. When the Danish embassy was firebombed, there were Arab women in bhurkas holding signs that read: "FREE SPEECH DOESN'T MEAN OFFENDING PEOPLE". What? Are you fucking stupid? If anything, free speech ENSURES the right to offend whomever you want, as long as their rights aren't trampled on. But this is another debate for another day. The political correctness has got to stop...if the US really wants to be hard line on foreign policy, then don't fuck around and half-ass it. Don't be hard-line on one thing and pussyfoot around everything else. I don't really agree with our foreign policy, but be fair across the board. That means giving the finger to countries who do nothing but cause trouble for you. Don't attack them, just let them starve.

This is my dilemma. I have little bits and pieces from every side for my point of view, so while I may seem very liberal in some aspects, I'm very hard-line conservative on others. I'm for abortion AND the death penalty. I guess I'm just a weird guy.
you're dumb, stupid and pathetic.

oh... sorry. you make it so easy.

who put the sand in your vagina??
it's not my article. it's an excerpt from a BOOK!!!
a professor researched [yes... charitable giving can leave a paper trail and can be recorded] who gives the most in this country and just because you dont like the results, doesnt make it less true!

you brainless, whiney, pathetic, know-nothing, do-nothing, hopeless, lost cause liberal hypocrites [how's that? i didnt want to leave anybody out] have completely veered off topic again, i see.
i guess it's easier to hijack a thread and avoid the actual topic, while spouting off a string of leftwing talking points than to actually discuss the topic at hand and try to figure out exactly why you're all so useless!

Wow Sue,

Every time that you enter this message board, the entire thread turns into a kindergarten class. Your choice words are as enlightening as an episode of the Teletubbies.

Diplomacy in a pair of Huggies at it's finest.

Now, if you'll excuse me... I need to find my binky and my bottle, but I'll be back to call Jurched a poopyhead... right after I tell the teacher that Myhatred has been eating paste again.
Someone please set me straight. It looks like everyone began piling on Sue for posting an article that she stated someone else wrote. Then, everyone piles on her again for defending her position. Yeah, she came out swinging but, the responses were much more course than hers to begin with. Based on some of the responses, Sue isn't the only one with sand in her vagina.
Merry Fucking Christmas.
Yeah! Those poop-faced asshats got steel shavings up their pee pee holes! What da fuck?

I'm proud and relieved to stand alongside Sue, who's got both boots buried deep in everyone's else's ball-sacs.

Keep kickin, sweetheart! Keep kickin!

As I said, I'm not interested in slinging shit with her. I respected her opinion and her right to debate, but when you counter with things like, "you brainless, whiney, pathetic, know-nothing, do-nothing, hopeless, lost cause liberal hypocrites", that's not debating. Furthermore, when she said that, she wasn't defending her position. She was attacking me for my position on something I posted, albeit a long and off topic post, which I probably should've posted in a new thread. I'll take the hit on that.

There's a right way and a wrong way to debate, and she took the wrong way. Furthermore, this isn't the first time she's done it, and although I stayed out of her other shit-slinging posts, she brought me into this one. I'm at fault for taking the bait and unleashing a massive barrage of filth her way as well. I probably should've taken the high road but when someone starts making shit up about me and speaks to me like they know who the fuck I am, they are nothing but a waste of space in my opinion. I should've exercised a little more restraint, but now I don't think we as a forum will be throwing shit at each other any more like this after the past few posts. Everyone has said their peace and been put in their collective places by each other, and it's a dead issue now. I harbor no ill will for anyone and will gladly continue to post in a mature manner, even if our posts may sometimes border on extreme. This is the Billy Milano forum, after all, and we're not exactly bleeding hearts in here. She just needed a taste of her own medicine to see what it feels like when people belittle you just because of something so insignificant as their opinions or political standing. Jurched does it all the time but it's in a dark, sarcastic, funny way...and he's not just spouting off. He knows what he's talking about and he takes it with a grain of salt.

Again, I harbor no ill will towards her or any other person on this forum and will gladly continue discussion in a respectful manner, even if it may get heated sometimes. There's a difference between a heated discussion and personal attacks. Let's just drop this and move on to something new.
Someone please set me straight. It looks like everyone began piling on Sue for posting an article that she stated someone else wrote. Then, everyone piles on her again for defending her position. Yeah, she came out swinging but, the responses were much more course than hers to begin with. Based on some of the responses, Sue isn't the only one with sand in her vagina.
Merry Fucking Christmas.

As I see it, "everyone" piled on her due to her irrational behavior in the way she posted. Dead Winter's last retaliation hit the nail squarely on the head. He pointed out the hypocrisy she displayed quite poetically, actually.

But let's be fair:
She tore me a new asshole - but since it was more or less deserved (read the trail from the start and see why) I accepted it and didn't fire back. You've gotta accept when you're wrong and move on. But Dead Winter wasn't in the wrong in any way, shape, or form, as I see it.
such puerile attempts at internet-tough guy status.

most people that lose control on internet message boards, like you and MyHatred have, are proven failures in the 'real world.'

you couldnt walk around in reality and talk to people like you're talking here. you'd suffer an embarrassing beat down.

enjoy yourself here. say something else totally irrelevant and senseless, then pat yourself on the back over how well you're doing.
i dont mind. i consider the source and let it go.
i've got too much satisfaction in my life to take trolls seriously.

You Go, Pundit Girl.


Typing "FACT" after an opinionated insult is gonna be my new send off.
As I said, I'm not interested in slinging shit with her. I respected her opinion and her right to debate, but when you counter with things like, "you brainless, whiney, pathetic, know-nothing, do-nothing, hopeless, lost cause liberal hypocrites", that's not debating. Furthermore, when she said that, she wasn't defending her position. She was attacking me for my position on something I posted, albeit a long and off topic post, which I probably should've posted in a new thread. I'll take the hit on that.

There's a right way and a wrong way to debate, and she took the wrong way. Furthermore, this isn't the first time she's done it, and although I stayed out of her other shit-slinging posts, she brought me into this one. I'm at fault for taking the bait and unleashing a massive barrage of filth her way as well. I probably should've taken the high road but when someone starts making shit up about me and speaks to me like they know who the fuck I am, they are nothing but a waste of space in my opinion. I should've exercised a little more restraint, but now I don't think we as a forum will be throwing shit at each other any more like this after the past few posts. Everyone has said their peace and been put in their collective places by each other, and it's a dead issue now. I harbor no ill will for anyone and will gladly continue to post in a mature manner, even if our posts may sometimes border on extreme. This is the Billy Milano forum, after all, and we're not exactly bleeding hearts in here. She just needed a taste of her own medicine to see what it feels like when people belittle you just because of something so insignificant as their opinions or political standing. Jurched does it all the time but it's in a dark, sarcastic, funny way...and he's not just spouting off. He knows what he's talking about and he takes it with a grain of salt.

Again, I harbor no ill will towards her or any other person on this forum and will gladly continue discussion in a respectful manner, even if it may get heated sometimes. There's a difference between a heated discussion and personal attacks. Let's just drop this and move on to something new.


THIS is what you're trashing me for:
you brainless, whiney, pathetic, know-nothing, do-nothing, hopeless, lost cause liberal hypocrites",
you said i attacked you. i hope that's not what you're talking about... since you want us to believe you're ssoooo intelligent! :rolleyes:

first of all, i was answering something MyHatred said and i was being completely sarcastic with all of that, since he brought it up first.

go back and read that post. you'll see the quote i included was from MyHatred.

and fah-q has it exactly right.
i just posted what i thought was an interesting piece from a book.
if you want the guy's resources, get the book. i dont have it. i found it on another friend's blog site.

i love how you lefties attack anybody who doesnt say what you want to hear, but if that person strikes back, all of a sudden, you're the injured party.

absolutely mind-boggling. :u-huh:

THIS is what you're trashing me for:

you said i attacked you. i hope that's not what you're talking about... since you want us to believe you're ssoooo intelligent! :rolleyes:

first of all, i was answering something MyHatred said and i was being completely sarcastic with all of that, since he brought it up first.

go back and read that post. you'll see the quote i included was from MyHatred.

and fah-q has it exactly right.
i just posted what i thought was an interesting piece from a book.
if you want the guy's resources, get the book. i dont have it. i found it on another friend's blog site.

i love how you lefties attack anybody who doesnt say what you want to hear, but if that person strikes back, all of a sudden, you're the injured party.

absolutely mind-boggling. :u-huh:

Yes, and after you said that you referenced ME hijacking this thread...so, using deductive reasoning, I reasoned that combining said post with what I posted was a reference to me. This isn't quantum physics here.

As I was reading your post, I was almost going to apologize to you because if you feel you didn't unleash all those spears at me, then I had no reason to retaliate.

AND THEN YOU GO AND DO IT AGAIN!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

"i love how you lefties attack anybody who doesnt say what you want to hear, but if that person strikes back, all of a sudden, you're the injured party."

YOU COULDN'T HELP YOURSELF, COULD YOU? Since when am I a "lefty"? I guess people who don't fit into your small little box of thinking automatically become lefties.

I'm not going to attack you or anything, but do you see how you contradict yourself? However, I'll go ahead and bite the bullet because this whole thing is so fucking stupid that it's beyond my comprehension. So, I'll be the first to apologize for misinterpreting your thread. But a word to the unwise: blanket inflammatory statements such as yours belong in the ill-fated Seriously Off Topic forum, and there was a reason it got the ban hammer.

FACT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
[yes... charitable giving can leave a paper trail and can be recorded] who gives the most in this country and just because you dont like the results, doesnt make it less true!!

Quick question, Sue.

Every time I have donated money to charity, I seemed to have missed the checkboxes where it asks if you are "Democrat or Republican". Please elaborate on this "paper trail". I am asking nicely, so don't give me some smarmy answer:)
:lol: :lol: Sorry, Arg.

I didn't mean it as an insult to you-it's just his name. I have seen a pic of you and I really don't think you look that similar to him at all.