'Tis the season for black metal!

General Zod said:
After reading your post, and your review (cool review), I decided to download this and try it on for size.

I'll see if I can find it.

I've got it if you need it Zod. :)

Also, if you do a search over at Perpetual Motion for "Emperor" in the search field and "Dark One" in the author field, you'll find my thoughts on which Emperor cd to start with for someone else who was looking to listen to In the Nightside Eclipse as an introduction to the band. Click on the post marked "Actually...."

Also, if you click on the post marked "X-Wild, a Japanese band?", you'll be treated to a rather humorous exchange of posts between myself and Olaus (a prominent troll on the board at the time). Heh, it shows up in the search field because I have an Emperor cd as my "Now Playing" at the bottom of the posts.
I'd consider Drudkh black-ish at the very least. The root of the music lies in black metal, I guess. Although me mum and even gran-mum enjoyed Autumn Aurora when I played it for them last week. :tickled:

BWD summed up Nightside Eclipse perfectly by calling it a clusterfuck. Shit is too busy to be ethereal, emotional, blah blah, whatever. However it is getting better for me, but only in an above average kind of way. If I want manic black metal I don't want keyboards and shitty vocals getting in my way, give me stripped down shit like Taake.
Dark One said:
I've got it if you need it Zod. :)
Thanks. I'll let you know if I do. You can snail mail it to me.

Dark One said:
Also, if you do a search over at Perpetual Motion for "Emperor" in the search field and "Dark One" in the author field, you'll find my thoughts on which Emperor cd to start with for someone else who was looking to listen to In the Nightside Eclipse as an introduction to the band. Click on the post marked "Actually...."
Cool. I have "IX" on MP3 as well... somewhere.

Dark One said:
Also, if you click on the post marked "X-Wild, a Japanese band?", you'll be treated to a rather humorous exchange of posts between myself and Olaus (a prominent troll on the board at the time). Heh, it shows up in the search field because I have an Emperor cd as my "Now Playing" at the bottom of the posts.
I had no idea you were such a stickler for proper grammar. LOL.

General Zod said:
Thanks. I'll let you know if I do. You can snail mail it to me.
No Problem.

General Zod said:
Cool. I have "IX" on MP3 as well... somewhere.
Very good album. I always feel it's a good place to start for someone checking out Emperor for the first time, and also for someone who may not be as "seasoned" when it comes to old school style black metal growls, as they are definitely an acquired taste over time. I think the style of growling heard on ItNE can turn some people off in a "this is hard to get used to" immediate kind of way, and might cause them to not give it as much of a chance as they would if they were a little more ready for the vocal style.

JayKeeley is right on the money though, once you dig deeper and let it soak in, the atmosphere on that album is phenominal, whereas "IX" is much more straightforward.

Ultimately though, Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk is the one I reach for more than any other. Black Metal masterpiece.

General Zod said:
I had no idea you were such a stickler for proper grammar. LOL.
Heh, I dunno what came over me, I felt like trolling the troll that day. :lol:
Frozen Shadows - Hantises
Operation Winter Mist - whatever it's called (it's a collection though so dunno if it counts)
and Leviathan - Tentacles of Whorror

all kick ass!

go North America!
I'm forgetting some others, not mentioning what people have already said.
Musically, yes, but do have in mind that black metal is not music but ideology. (...and this is where this discussion ends because I've done it to death 527 times)
Erik said:
I think he means the snare drum :/

Woops :p

Nate The Great said:
Everybody should now list their top 5 or 10 black metal releases for 2004. It seems that California has caused me to fall drastically behind in that department.

I have heard very few 2004 releases overall but here goes:

2. Koldbrann/Ljå - Split
3. Armgagedda - Ond Spiritism
J. said:
I would certainly consider Drudkh black metal. If not, then what? Pagan forestcore metal?
I wasn't suggesting they weren't Black Metal. You'd know better than I. I don't listen to a lot BM. They just don't seem to fit neatly along side the BM bands that I do listen to, so I just never thought of Drudkh as BM.

Erik said:
Musically, yes, but do have in mind that black metal is not music but ideology. (...and this is where this discussion ends because I've done it to death 527 times)
This is a really good point. When summarizing a band that sounds exactly like a traditional BM band, but does NOT follow the ideology, how do you describe them? Blackened Metal?
JayKeeley said:
This is a really good point. When summarizing a band that sounds exactly like a traditional BM band, but does NOT follow the ideology, how do you describe them? Blackened Metal?
Aww, I thought I told you the discussion had already ended :( If they have heathen themes which is pretty common I just say heathen metal or pagan metal or something. Otherwise, well, who knows.
Oh ok. I just thought that there might be heathen or pagan metal that didn't sound like BM whatsoever. Anyways...it's all "metal" at the end of the day.
Brothers of Steel and Power unite!
Standing together we will fight!
Metal our weapon and Glory our aim!
Rocking and drinking is our game!

Picking up chicks on metal machines!
Playing Metal, "reading" porno magazines!
Brothers of Metal United we Stand!
Bound for Glory with Steel in our Hands!