Picture request thread


Anders pre-2003
May 18, 2008
I don't know. There's a lot of good offical band pictures. Sometimes I find a good one and it's incredibly downscaled.


Anyone got a larger crispt version of this? It seems like it was from the Reroute or Clayman era.
This picture i believe was taken when Niclas Engelin was in the band late 1997, early 1998 during the time when Johan and Glenn had left the band and Peter and Niclas took their places.


I agree about Anders looking much better without the beard and dreads. Just looks more sophisticated rather than a tryhard whiteboy Rastafarian.
Anders old look looks so better in my opinion, i like the way he used to be so embracced, (listen to the way he talks during the interviews at 1997~).

The way he used to be embraced?
Work on that English, unless you actually mean he was getting hugs.
He probably ment embaraces.

Here's Ander's when he was just fucking awesome:

I scanned my colony booklet and photoshopped so the colors are better and the artifacts don't exist.
He looked so cool on Colony with the goatee, like it represented how fucking awesome he was on Colony. I swear to god I'll never get over how awesome his growls are on Colony. He could make a lion shit itself.
yeah, ordinary story vid is awesome.

the chicks kinda fit in with the songs meaning, and shit, its lesbians.

I never really got why they show HTML logs in the background of it though

But gotta love Ander's crazy vocals in the first verse, where he says "POWER.."
I don't get it. Why can he fucking sing good on that vid yet he sucks now? Oh wait let me answer my own question, because he didn't use that nasaly sound when he sang back then.

Also some chick gets her tit pushed in after the chorus.