Pictures for posters


Customized individuum
Jan 17, 2007
Since there aren't really any posters of Dark Tranquillity except the promos I want to have one printed in one of those online poster stores.
The problem is I don't have a picture for it, but I know there are some photographers around here who could provide one. It's just for personal use so there shouldn't be any problems with the copyright.
So if any of the people have great band or live photos it would be nice of them to maybe post a smaller version here or a link to a download or something similar.

Before anyone tells me about these (, I know they are there and I will use one of them if you won't post any here but I hope I'll find a picture here which I like more.
I'm going to take advantage of this thread (!) to ask for something similar myself: can anybody here design one (or more) piece of cover art for DT bootlegs? It should be generic, so don't add dates of concerts (but you can add a non-specific title if you want). A particularly meaningful live picture could do, for instance, but abstract subjects are welcome as well. 300x300 pixels format at least. The best picture offered will be added to the sticky bootleg thread.
@ Nt3N: That would be very nice of you
@ rahvin: shame on you for abusing my thread.
@ Nt3N: That would be very nice of you
@ rahvin: shame on you for abusing my thread.
u can choose the picture u like the most from this list


then u tell me the one(s) u want and I'll send them via email to you. remember it's very very large files, so I hope you have a fast connection. don't forget to write your email down.

@rahvin: but you mean like a generic cover for all bootlegs or a generic cover with some space for hand-written date and venue?
@rahvin: but you mean like a generic cover for all bootlegs or a generic cover with some space for hand-written date and venue?

Either would be excellent, I guess. :) To be fair, the second option didn't cross my mind (because I myself don't plan to ever actually print such a cover: just add it to the tag of the audio files).
Either would be excellent, I guess. :) To be fair, the second option didn't cross my mind (because I myself don't plan to ever actually print such a cover: just add it to the tag of the audio files).

I see.. well I guess that once the former is made, the latter shouldn't be excessively hard to create...

I'll try to take care of this, starting... now :)
I'll wait for the new ones. Internet connection shouldn't be a problem.
Thanks a lot to Nt3N for taking care of my problem.
Nt3n, I would like to have one of these big-sized pics to make a poster of mine, too. :)

Can you send me the one right of the yellowish one. I think there is a bridge on it. They have no names. :lol: Thank you very much.

I'm sending my e-mail as a PM. :)
hi matse.

century media uplodead the new promo pictures for dark tranquillity. the old ones have been removed, but luckily enough I have backed up most of them, if not the lot.

anyway, the new ones are these..

Pm just left the building to Isaac Newt3N's house (sorry but everytime I see his name it reminds me of Isaac's (I know it is supposed to be spelled Newton). Think of it as a compliment).
I'll post a picture of the poster hanging on my wall asap.