Pictures from the Istanbul visit

Here comes the photos after the İzmir, TURKEY show. I see these as documents of the great times we had as support band of OL. I also have lots of pictures of the little party(!) we had backstage but it won't be right to share them here. :) Avi(drums) will kill me! Aahaha, I sent them to him.
Here are the "innocent" ones :) :

Uri & Me


Yatziv, Me & Matti


Our bassist Cagdas, Yossi & Me


Mad Max ehehehe


Eden with a friend of mine


See ya.

Cagri (LIL)
Some pics I have - 01.2005

Matti&Uri checking the sound:

the crowd at the OL show Istanbul:

Kobi and his spirit:

the beauty and me:


Awesome pics Morticia and LIL! Thanks so much for sharing them. I enjoy seeing photos of one of my favorite bands backstage and having fun. It's as close as I'm ever gonna get to meeting them, living in the U.S.

I have had the pleasure of talking with Yossi via email though. We discussed the differences in art forms, he being a musician and me being an author. He is a class act, and I am sure his bandmates are the same. I am in envy of you who have met them!
Hi Cagri- excuse me for my ignorance, I did not remember the name of your band, because I did not see the performance ( I was in the backstage) So let me take this opportunity to thank you for playing a song from the Alhambra album of the Tea Party. Can you tell me why you chose to play this cover?
It was "The Bazaar" from Edges Of Twilight. There are lots of facts for choosing this cover. First of all we, as the band, love The Tea Party. There are not so much Tea Party fans in Turkey but we taught that a part of them likes Orphaned Land, too and they'll be in the concert. "Oriental" point of view are very similar between these two bands and we see them in the same paralels. Another thing is it was the first important show we had in İstanbul and "The Bazaar" has a video clip shot in İstanbul and it's related to that place conseptually. We knew that everybody won't get crazy for his choice for being a metalhead is a dinosaurish thing. :) But we are so happy to play Tea Party in a OL concert. :)
Let me tell you this: I am a huge fan of the Tea Party- especially the EP called "Alhambra" which features some of the songs from the album you mention in an accoustic setting. The song you played means a lot to me and a friend who was there with me. We were so surprised to hear this song being played and considdered it to be a sign of good luck for the evening. So thanks again for making it a magical moment for us!

If someone asks me about the sound of Orphaned Land, I always tell them to listen to the Tea Party, there are a lot of similarities in the instruments they use and the feel of the music. Strange that a band from Canada can achieve such an oriental sound.
I was very fortunate to hear the songs being played live once.( I think it was around 97, but I am not sure) I had never heard of the Tea Party and went to a Queensryche concert- TP were the support band and they did some electric and some acoustic songs. There and then I fell in love with their sound and began looking for their albums. Then I found the Alhambra EP and have cherised it ever since. Their performance was so beautiful that I wanted to go home after that- it was just too much and I did not feel like listening to a whole Queensryche concert after that.
I am aware of the video that was shot in Istanbul- it is in the extra's on the EP. Unfortunately I cannot play it anymore, since it was designed to be played under windows 95 ( if anyone has a solution for this- please inform me!)

Here is another coincidence> the video was shot in Istanbul, Istanbul is the place where I saw my first OL gig, Istanbul is the place where I first met OL and we became friends, one of the reasons for me to go to the RTN in the first place was that I loved the picture on the cover of OL's Sahara and became interested in Istanbul- I knew I would visit it one day- not knowing then how everything would come together overthere. So now the circle is truely complete.

Wonderous story right?

I fail to see how any metalhead who loves OL's music could NOT love the Tea Party- they have the same kind of feel to their music. I am now very sorry I did not check out your show. Sorry, I really wanted to spend as much time with my friends as I could, knowing I could not go to Izmir with them.
Is your music available anywhere on the net?

Greetings from another Tea Party lover,
Woa, really a great story! I'm so surprised about it. Life's full of coincidences and I believe that they all have meanings. Maybe one day you can see us on the stage. Who knows? : )
We haven't got a website yet but we're working on our demo. I promise I'll send you one. If you send your mail address to , I'll send you an old version of one track. See you!

Cagri (LIL)
At last, I am able to take the fotos and videos from my friend. There are 47 pics and 3 little low quality videos of mabool and aldiar al mukadisa. The videos are really tiring to watch because our camera was not a good one. However it is worth watching for our great OL:) One more point, the date on the pics is not true :Spin: Remember that magnificient day again..

Finally the link, enjoy it:
thanks for the pictures and the videos too..
i especially liked the picture kobi and schlomit with their eyes shut and head up high..