Pictures of you!

I've seen lots of pics of the Maidens on here (naturally!) but I don't know what half of you look like. Post pics so I can see all of your beautiful faces please!!! :D

I'll grudgingly start!!! :loco:

I don't want to make anyone jealous anymore after receiving all those death threats….

Just kidding, you can see me on my home page thing, but I can’t update it at that sight because the bastards froze my account using substitute curse word.
RoboCaster said:
I don't want to make anyone jealous anymore after receiving all those death threats….

Just kidding, you can see me on my home page thing, but I can’t update it at that sight because the bastards froze my account using substitute curse word.

That is an awesome photo!!!!!!!!! Hehe!! :D :D Howz the hair growing going? Don't do what my brother did - he started growing it when he was about 13 and then shaved his head on his 21st birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :yell:
I plan to grow it half way down my back, so I can fling it around when I play and pretend I'm a rock star. Oh it's kinda' going down to my sholder blades now.
RoboCaster said:
I plan to grow it half way down my back, so I can fling it around when I play and pretend I'm a rock star. Oh it's kinda' going down to my sholder blades now.

Nice one - keep it up!!!!! :headbang:

That would be my plan too but my hair never seems to grow past the middle of my back so I'll never get hair like Sara!!! :erk: Mine's really fine and thin so it just gets all dry and split at the ends, it sucks!!
Metallicat180 said:

You know I didn't tell you this, but you look allot like my old girlfriend, oh yea she was good...believe me I know this.

It was a while ago, here name was Suzanna, I used to sing her "oh Suzanna, bla, bla, bla, bla..."
shout out from the vegas chapter:p

and I thought you would get a kick out of this one, since you recently gave them a great review
That's Myles Kennedy, currently in Alter Bridge. He was also Thor in the movie Rock Star, he took over the singer spot in the band from Whalberg. He's also a born and bread Spokane boy. I saw him wanderinghte streets here New Year's Eve.
RoboCaster said:
You know I didn't tell you this, but you look allot like my old girlfriend, oh yea she was good...believe me I know this.

It was a while ago, here name was Suzanna, I used to sing her "oh Suzanna, bla, bla, bla, bla..."

Oh right!!! Hahaha!! :cool:

Great photos everyone!!!!!

Downshifter - I love that one of you and the gorgeous Myles!!! I wish I'd waiting at the venue after the show and I could have met them Oh well!!! :D
Metallicat180 said:
Oh right!!! Hahaha!! :cool:

Yea it probably the eyes, and hair, you know science has proven that the eyes are the first thing a man looks at on a women when he is trying to see how pretty. Yep they used lasers to prove it. And it makes sense, because women expect eye contact; so a guy can use this info as a tool if he understood it.