Pictures of you!

Gosh,I'm glad everybody appreciates my smile.My dentist will be pleased. Oh,and thanks for the map of Scotland,Metallicat. I've gotta visit Inverness someday.But if it's snowing in Crief,how much colder could it be way up North in Inverness?Due to my Southern California upbringing,I don't think I could survive up there in that weather!
Gosh,I'm glad everybody appreciates my smile.My dentist will be pleased. Oh,and thanks for the map of Scotland,Metallicat. I've gotta visit Inverness someday.But if it's snowing in Crief,how much colder could it be way up North in Inverness?Due to my Southern California upbringing,I don't think I could survive up there in that weather!

The further north you go, the windier it gets so it feels much, much colder. The coldest my parents ever experienced here was -27 but that was way before I was born!
So I'm late to this thread... here's me with Bruce Conte and Aja during their show at the Orleans in Vegas a few months ago.
Oh great...I have to follow the cute baby, with my ugly mug...LOL!'s a few years ago, with Deen Castronovo. I did the artwork for the bass drum behind me...


Here's a little better view of the artwork, but not the artist himself ;)...


Here's a little more recent photo of me. The hair is grown back for now, while I look for a new job...then it's coming off again...heh...
