Pillow Case issue solved, hehe...

Twice I just sat the stuff on the ground and if someone said "these are taken" I responded with "I'll move if they come back" and NEITHER time did the person show up before I wanted to leave anyway. I put the bags back right where I found them...no harm, no foul.

That being said, it's still silly.

I did the exact same thing, with the exact same results.
You people need to chill.

Saving a seat for some one is just common courtesy. Sorry you guys don't get there early enough, or know someone that did, but it's a first come first served event. Many people, including wives and friends of the performers want to see their mates play and can't sit out the whole show themselves because they're helping people out right up to the point where they go on.

If you guys truly appreciate the bands and the event then you shouldn't have a problem with someone getting there early, getting a seat, then being able to piss and shop and get things signed while being able to go back to his/her seat without a fight breaking out.

Besides, if seats weren't saved, they'd still be filled when your ass got there anyway. Do you REALLY think a second row seat is going to be open two minutes before Fates goes on?
i took pictures and i will post on here later. i need to get them off my phone. here is my list of interesting things i saw.

1) i didn't see any pillowcases. could have just been my bad timing.
2) i DID see the following. Gift bags, Hotel Towels, CUSTOM and i mean CUSTOM printed shirts over seats saying "reserved for..." and yes bags with merchandise people PAID for just left sitting there as if i wouldn't take it from them. again, lessons need to be learned the hard way for some to be learned at all.

here is my suggestion to glenn besides that of selling specific seats and general admission tickets.

it needs to be just like at an airport. have a sign saying "all unattended bags will be searched and seized and removed from the venue after 10 minutes." at the entrance and have it announced in between each song during intermission. it's plain and simple and will keep people from leaving bags, towels, etc.

i too, was pissed off to walk up the steps to find seats/rows empty except for green Nuclear Blast bags sitting there. i took a seat during Orphaned Land's set that had a purse in it. i moved it to the next seat and i asked the lady "are these seats taken" and she said yes but said they wouldn't be coming back for awhile.

what's next a BED SHEET?!? i mean hell, i can bring one of those and reserve 12 seats at once!?!

I no longer even bring a camera due to the policies or I would have taken pictures of both the (2) personalized "Reserved For" shirts and the FIVE individuals who had the audacity to take an entire row for an entire night with four towels and two Nuclear bags and not use the seats. I watched this one the entire night. Two of the five seats had significant activity. Three were mostly unused until the break just before Fates. ONE SEAT WAS NOT OCCURPIED THE ENTIRE NIGHT.

I sat next to a couple one night who used the seat between us as mechandise storage. They left after every set taking their belongings and left two empty bags to reserve "their" seats and leaving the third seat completely open. A friend stopped to chat during a break and actually sat in the empty seat. The couple came and back and you would have thought I had insutled their firstborn by their reaction by my daring to allow someone to sit in "their" storage seat for five mintues. If tickets were purchased for merchandise storage or "space to spread out" that is fine, I somehow doubt Glenn received any purchases for either.

While I observed all this Saturday night here is what I did notice. When the bands(s) go nuts and the floor explodes....the sea of motionless bags do not have the same effect as when the seats were filled with people jumping up pumping their fists.

Since the first PP in Atlanta one of the things I have always said to sell people on the festival is the absolute kewlest part aside from the acoustics are that at the end of each band 75% of the crowd leaves and a new group of people begin to filter in for the next band. Look at the old videos the stands were filled up to a point then things tapered off. Now, all you see are reserved seats and when you ask no is saving the seats they are left with pillowcases, towels, t-shirsts, bags, can I just say CRAP. I think the airport solution is best, people need to revist that fact that GA does not mean drop a bag and go get dinner for a few hours.

Please Glenn, announce that any unattended items will be removed - fill the stands back up with people instead of crap.
Please Glenn, announce that any unattended items will be removed - fill the stands back up with people instead of crap.

Glenn said that he did not acknowledge a pillowcase as a legitimate way of reserving a seat a few days ago.

I've noticed the seat saving before which isn't the biggest a deal to me as I prefer being on the floor for bands I like and sitting back for ones I don't care about (meaning I couldn't care less where I sit). As long as the seats are actually getting use whatever but seeing towels take up an entire 5 seat row for a complete set was hilarious and sad at the same time.

Another thing I can't stand is people who insist on being on the rail and then stand there and text during a band they don't care about or have blank stares the entire time and keep chatting with whoever they're with. And for the texting, I don't mean an occasional one to locate someone, but 20 straight minutes of texting with someone not even at the show. I've been up front for bands I'm not familiar with or don't necessarily like but I'll at least make an effort to not only give them my attention but also clap along and chant.
You people need to chill.

Saving a seat for some one is just common courtesy. Sorry you guys don't get there early enough, or know someone that did, but it's a first come first served event. Many people, including wives and friends of the performers want to see their mates play and can't sit out the whole show themselves because they're helping people out right up to the point where they go on.

If you guys truly appreciate the bands and the event then you shouldn't have a problem with someone getting there early, getting a seat, then being able to piss and shop and get things signed while being able to go back to his/her seat without a fight breaking out.

Besides, if seats weren't saved, they'd still be filled when your ass got there anyway. Do you REALLY think a second row seat is going to be open two minutes before Fates goes on?

Well, I must say, 5 friends and I show up VERY early to make sure we get good seats. When we need a break we do save them for eachother. This year one of my fellow gold badgers won VIP pass for the saturday show and he and his wife left their seats. We immediately gave up the seats(To the guitar player and producer of Wicked Waltz as it turns out, {cool guys and awesome cd btw}). Why save seats for people who arent going to be back in em?
We are in our seats for 90+% of the time. If someone just moved my things and sat down I'd definitely same something. I dont care how big they are. I got to the venue VERY early, got the seats, and waited for a long time for the show to begin.
Now with that said, the first 2 rows just to the right of center as you face the stage as you walk in from the front entrance, were empty ALL f-ing night!
There were no more than 2 or 3 people in these rows at any given time except for the Fates set. To me, this IS a crock of crap. If people from your group aren't going to be using the seats then give them up.
I do not agree with getting up and putting your stuff on a seat to reserve it. Me, my wife, and my cousin always sit in the same seats every year and one will get up at a time to piss or whatever and return with drinks ect. We see all the bands this is a fair practice. The problem is simple to solve. If you want a seat sit down, keep your ass in it and rotate with friends family ect for drinks and what not. If you want to be at the front of the stage or on the floor that is your choice so be prepared to stand for a long time ( which i have done before). I would like to be on the floor and up front for some bands and sitting in a nice soft chair for others but that isn't how it works it never has, it never will cant have cake and eat it too.
You people need to chill.

Saving a seat for some one is just common courtesy. Sorry you guys don't get there early enough, or know someone that did, but it's a first come first served event. Many people, including wives and friends of the performers want to see their mates play and can't sit out the whole show themselves because they're helping people out right up to the point where they go on.

If you guys truly appreciate the bands and the event then you shouldn't have a problem with someone getting there early, getting a seat, then being able to piss and shop and get things signed while being able to go back to his/her seat without a fight breaking out.

Besides, if seats weren't saved, they'd still be filled when your ass got there anyway. Do you REALLY think a second row seat is going to be open two minutes before Fates goes on?

i don't think any of us are complaining about friends saving other friends seats. my friends save my seat when a piss is in order, but i personally am upset with people taking up seats with no one around watching them, but their free bags. like i said when i have time to upload i have a picture of a 4 seat row completely saved by bags and the infamous "towel" row. also i took them on my iphone so quality isn't the best! but the 500 pictures i got of the show itself, well now that is a completely different story!! hahaha, i am kidding.
Agreed, people saving seats for others is not the issue.

When you have custom made t-shirts saving your seat you have gone too far for me. Sit your asses down and rotate your bar, bathroom, dropping shit off at the hotel, socializing breaks between your group if sitting is that important to you. Seriously. Someone should have stolen your shirts just on principle.

There could be random sweeps of the venue made each night and all bags, bottles of water, empty cups, beer cans, pillow cases, towels, t-shirts, pizza crusts, whatever is left on the seats removed.
When you have custom made t-shirts saving your seat you have gone too far for me. Sit your asses down and rotate your bar, bathroom, dropping shit off at the hotel, socializing breaks between your group if sitting is that important to you.

Hey Kellsco - nice to finally meet you this year!

I'm obviously in the minority here, but I have to disagree on the seat saving issue. Having attended the festival alone before, I don't think it's fair to say that having a buddy hold your spot is a legitimate way to save a seat, but dropping a towel or merch bag on the seat is not. I think you have to either keep the status quo...or say that NO seats can be saved and ANY open seat is fair game.

Maybe someone can solve the issue by inventing a towel that automatically implodes if there is no butt in the seat for more than 30 minutes. :lol: It seems that what is most aggravating to everyone (including me) is the seats that go unused while a band is on stage.
Yeah, I saw those towels or whatever the hell they were - and they were from VERY early in the day, which makes me think they were a VIP badge holder.

Hell - I hardly ever sat in the seats this year. I was all over God's green earth this year - in the pit, on the floor, on the landings, etc. Maybe sat in the seats for a set or two, and not in the same place.

Like others have said - either have a friend stay there at all times, or don't save it at all.
I didn't have a problem this year with anyone saving seats. I have just become used to standing on the floor during shows, and then doing my sitting later in the lobby. The few times I did take a seat in the arena for a while I didn't have to fight anyone about it.

I did get ticked at one point when I saw a pillowcase/shirt that said "this seat is reserved" or some shit. I told a buddy that if I saw that seat unoccupied for much longer I would snatch the shirt up and wear it around the venue for a while. When I later looked around for that shirt apparently the seat was occupied.

Another thing I can't stand is people who insist on being on the rail and then stand there during a band they don't care about or have blank stares the entire time

Guilty. What do you care?

It is my ritual to be up front on the railing for Pagan's Mind everytime they play PPUSA. If I go to the railing at 2:30PM when the doors open and stay until 8:00PM to see the guys kick my ass thats my choice. I cannot stand Orphaned Land, and unfortunately thats the band I am guilty of having a blank stare for. IMO they fucking blow, and the singer and his ridiculous chanting 90% of every song bores me to tears.

If someone doesnt like it too bad.
We were always able to get a seat whenever we wanted. I did see quite a bit of rows with pillowcases, shirts or whatever on them. And that's total bullshit. If you go with a few people at least take turns coming and going. Expecting your seat to be saved when no one from your group is there is ridiculous and selfish. It should not be allowed period!

John, don't worry, there is no problem with hogging the rail. If my body could take it I would do it too :lol:
Next year I'm going to bring a giant 50' x 100' tarp and putting it over the center section with the phrase "RESERVED FOR JON". Actually, I'll do that with the floor too and if anyone steps down I'll act really flustered and say 'EXCUSE ME SIR THIS IS RESERVED!' Then I'll go out and smoke and get some dinner missing half the show. Woops!
Next year I'm going to bring a giant 50' x 100' tarp and putting it over the center section with the phrase "RESERVED FOR JON". Actually, I'll do that with the floor too and if anyone steps down I'll act really flustered and say 'EXCUSE ME SIR THIS IS RESERVED!' Then I'll go out and smoke and get some dinner missing half the show. Woops!

Good one! The issue is NOT saving seats for people while they run to the bathroom or get a drink. The issue is that NO BODY is in the seats and they all remain unused for multiple sets.