You, having heard Bananas first may be why you find fault with Rapture, me not having heard Bananas enjoyed Rapture, someday I will pick up Bananas. Im an old Morse freak too, having been on board with the Dregs first three albums, they blew my mind, but here again there are later Dregs albums I never had or heard. Someday I want to pick up the two Kansas albums with Morse as well. My music purchases are random and rare and I have missed alot of stuff. Prior to Rapture the last Purple tape I bought was Slaves and Masters (something along that lines) and I was somewhat disappointed with that as well, way too poppy/commercial.
I hear you on the Heep, Look At Yourself and Demons and Wizards were my regular blasters in the early 70's, Magicians BD and Sweet Freedom were a step down to me but still have some great stuff. I also love Salisbury. However if they are
really getting down to it again with this new one and the mid 90's album I should have them. Heep, just like so many other early 70's hardrock bands took a great fall mid/late 70's when they were forced to compete with more popish bands that were the fad, for example Journey and Foreigner, who were competeing with... ah hem....
disco and other panzy ass music that became status quo. Nugent being one of the few that didnt budge from ass kickin music.
Thanks for the heads-up on this Hensley album, with Jorn... sounds inviting. Tell me more.
I will always treasure the early hardrock of bands like Zep, Heep, Rooster, Purple, James Gang, Guess Who, Mountain, Hendrix and Cream even bluezer stuff like Trower, ZZ Top and Humble Pie. Everything for the most part went to hell mid 70's, this is when I went to fusion like The Dregs, Return to Forever, Jeff Beck, Ponty, DiMeola or progressive like Kansas and Crack the Sky. As for rock thank goodness for the likes of Nugent, Rush and VanHalen... I hated Foreigner and Kiss with a passion, teeny bopper/girly rock at its best {worst}{if the girls like it... it probably sucks

}. I actually didnt even like AC/DC much back in the day, now I like it for party music.