Pink Floyd at Live 8

dargormudshark said:
that was pretty cool, I bet 10 bucks Gimour and Waters told each other to fuck off after the show...haha
Not quite from what I have heard. ;),2933,161887,00.html:

The members of Pink Floyd did not avoid each other either. Quite the opposite: They were incredibly chummy. As I told you on Sunday: The band ate dinner together on Friday night at the Ivy in London, and their reunion could stick, it went so well. But I do love "the sources" who weren't at the London show weighing in with a lot of nonsense.

And also look at the picture on the left of this page:

Hey, it's a start. :D
Geldof, besides raising international awareness about poverty and hunger in Africa, did something far more immediately important: He reunited Pink Floyd.

For the first time in a quarter-century, Dave Gilmour and Roger Waters not only played together, they actually broke bread.

On Friday night, all the members of Pink Floyd and their wives, etc., ate together at the famous Ivy restaurant. Roger made the initial call, an insider told me, leading to this unique gathering.

Now the speculation begins: a new album, a tour, is any of it possible? From the rousing reception they got, something tells me more is to come.

You can try this one: here
Sorry, there was a ":" after my link for some reason. This one works:,2933,161887,00.html

And here is what the article says:

The members of Pink Floyd did not avoid each other either. Quite the opposite: They were incredibly chummy. As I told you on Sunday: The band ate dinner together on Friday night at the Ivy in London, and their reunion could stick, it went so well. But I do love "the sources" who weren't at the London show weighing in with a lot of nonsense.
dargormudshark said:
Although the money won't probably go to the people who need it

the concerts weren't to raise money, they were free to attend, if you were lucky enough to get a ticket. It was to raise awareness.
ChrisFerg said:
the concerts weren't to raise money, they were free to attend, if you were lucky enough to get a ticket. It was to raise awareness.

Furthermore, Gilmour has said he will be donating any profits he made from the Live 8 appearance to charity.

"Though the main objective has been to raise consciousness and put pressure on the G-8 leaders, I will not profit from the concert."