Pink Floyd ReUnite

Mick Moss

Apr 12, 2002
Bringing an end to months of rumors, Pink Floyd announced over the weekend that the band's classic lineup will come together to perform at the London Live 8 concert on July 2. Bassist/songwriter Roger Waters — who acrimoniously split from the psychedelic rock group more than 20 years ago — will join guitarist/singer David Gilmour, drummer Nick Mason and keyboard player Richard Wright for the show in Hyde Park to help raise awareness about African debt relief.

"Like most people, I want to do everything I can to persuade the G8 leaders to make huge commitments to the relief of poverty and increased aid to the Third World," Gilmour wrote on Pink Floyd's official Web site, confirming the quartet's first show together in 24 years. "It's crazy that America gives such a paltry percentage of its GNP to the starving nations. Any squabbles Roger and the band have had in the past are so petty in this context, and if re-forming for this concert will help focus attention, then it's got to be worthwhile."​
Brynjar said:
good news!

...but hasn't g8 canceled all debt to the 16 (or something) poorest countries in the world?
nah, 'only' 40 billion or sth of 66 billion total of those 18 countries, let alone the remaining 59 countries. its good as long as it is invested in educacation, althought i wonder what the small lettering of the contract says.
i wonder if this will be a one-off special kind of thing, or the boys are gonna reunite as a band. dunno if it would be a good idea, and i seriously doubt it, but it would be interresting with roger behind the steering wheel again.

but then again, i never thought that roger and dave would ever stand on the same stage again...
so? is somebody going to see the pink floyd set? (how long will they play and arround what time? anyone has an idea?

hopefully i found someone to join me..
I text in loadsa times off my phone then sneakily text loadsa times off my dads n still no ticket.

I think they are playing around a 40 minute set? but that could just be a rumour? there is a rumoured setlist but I cant remember it all but wish you were here and comfortably numb were on there
we're on our way back into hyde park, got some food and more drink, the floyd are due on at 00:30am i think. we're all on acidy micro dots! this screen looks maaaaaadd!!!!! so long!
I saw it on german tv. 4 songs like, comfortably numb, wish you were here, breathe and money. Dunno if it was all they were performing. Roger Waters seemed to enjoy it very much. On the other hand Gilmour looked a tad weird. Maybe it was the situation him staying on stage with Waters again. What i recognised was that they haven't even looked at each other. At least Gilmour didn't look to Waters. It didn't feel like a re- union really.
Still i enjoyed the songs and the band performing together again.