Pirate folk metal song (7170, DFHS)


Oct 28, 2006
Hey guys.

Here's a piratey song that's going to be played in the credits of an Xbox Live Arcade game we're making.

-Guitars are a Burny Les Paul into a Fireface 800, through 7170
-Drums are DFHS
-Vocals are a Rode NT1A into a Fireface 800

I should stress that the audience isn't really a metal-friendly one and I'm only getting away with this song because of the sheer silliness of it all. That said, what do you guys think?
aha youre making a game for XBLA? thats cool
yeah id say you've nailed it for the target audience
gamers love anything with pirates or ninjas, so you fucking nailed it, because its certainly piratey as fuck
Great tone with the 7170! The vocals seem just a tad too loud for me, but I'm also listening on desktop PC speakers that might be making them stand out more.
I'm a real sucker for folk metal so I think this is awesome. If you wouldn't mind, Is there any way you can post just the instrumental?
It is very good. I wouldn't think it mattered if the audience didn't like metal or not, it's piratey. That alone is enough.
I love it! I do think that the vocals stand out a bit too much in the chorus, where its dual tracked. Apart from that I love it!