pix from the mcmurphy's show in pasadena


Ex-Mullet Head
Feb 4, 2004
near LA
set list to follow. i realized that after all their shows i've attended, i'd never gotten photos taken with the ladies before...

neil, here's the link to that anaheim show pic of you:








Nice Pix! You're a lucky guy getting all those pics with the beautiful and talented ladies of Iron!

Just got home from the show and still on the Maiden(S) high... wow! That was truly an excellent show! And long!... at least 2 hours.:) Gotta believe it was one of the best MaidenS shows I've seen.

A few observations:
The place was PACKED wall to wall... I couldn't imagine that bar ever having more people in it... standing room only from the stage in back to the entrance door... the sound was great, even from the back! My buddy and i arrived just as the band started, so were stuck in the back at the beginning, but progressively moved up near the front... although you couldn't see the stage from way in the back (just Aja's head and shoulders) you could hear everything just fine... and loud! Having missed the last few local shows due to being out of town, it felt so great to rock out to Maiden and the Maidens! Energy was high and the girls were SO on!... Transylvania and Remember Tomorrow was my favorite part of the show... The Prisoner sounded great, complete with taped intro "You are the new #2"... Aja made a nice little statement about how the band is honored to play this great music & spread the Maiden gospel, and introduce the younger generation to Maiden's awesome music. I thought it was a very cool statement and sentiment... the crowd sang along LOUDLY, especially to the Fear of the Dark which was really cool!... People (especially newbies) were blown away tonight... I'm sure there are numerous new fans in Pasadena!... overheard a few guys afterward saying "That was the best 7 bucks we ever spent!"... it was fun to get to talk to the band after the show and get to hang a little without being rushed out of there. Cheers Sara!:wave: ... and I am SOOO STOKED on the signed (used and abused by Linda!) drum head I purchased! (It's the drum head with the Iron Maidens sticker and the sweet Eddie drawing by RJ, just above Wanda in the picture above. Metallicat is sure to be jealous of this one!;) ) Such a great night all the way around!

... always look on the bright side of life ...:hotjump:

Thanks Iron Maidens :worship:
CrankYanker said:
... the sound was great, even from the back!

I don't know how it was in the back, but in the front row I could hardly hear Liz, and I won't say Wanda was too loud, but almost. Overall another great show, and I think the cheapest one I've seen, except of course for the times I've been let in free. :D Please bring back Rime of the Ancient Mariner.:Spin:
that review above was spot on. here's the set list:

THE IDES OF MARCH (nice opener instead of BQOBD!)
PHANTOM OF THE OPERA (scorching hot)
KILLERS (frikkin' amazing)
INFINITE DREAMS (love this one)

a di'anno heavy set, i was very pleased. great set list. great audience. great show. as i don't think we're gonna hear the maidens perform "prodigal son" anytime soon, what about "brave new world"? i think that's the best song they've done since the 7th SON album :eek: oh, think i'll add my short review of KILLERS i had published back in '98. it was one of my "Desert Island Discs."

Iron Maiden-Killers (1981) The second album from one of England’s New Wave of Heavy Metal bands is a concept album. The lead character is wrongfully accused of murder and is on the run from the French police. He then gets murdered by the real killer and floats up to Purgatory where his soul drifts around for an eternity. This was Paul Di’Anno’s last studio album with the band (he was replaced by Bruce Dickinson), but I’ve always liked his voice better. His range goes from a deep, hoarse growl to delicate, and can sustain the high notes. The musicianship on the album is also brilliant, the dual guitars of Adrian Smith and Dave Murray are razor-sharp. The tempos are so fast on some songs, it makes me remember when metal and punk were close relatives. Just be sure not to get whiplash from banging your head too hard!
FYI Curt or anyone planning on going tonight.

Canes is not selling tickets ahead of time :cry: and the box office opens at 9:00 PM.

The ladies are pretty popular in San Diego so be quick or be out.

nlukes said:
Wow !! Some great photos. Thanks Raveballs.

glad you all liked the pix. although, they're a bit ego-centric this time LOL
so if you want any pix of the maidens without the short, hairy jewish guy in it, you'll have to adobe photoshop me out of them! :loco:
Yea, great show. I got there just as they started. Unfortunately that meant I wouldn't get in the front row cuz it was really packed! So, I made my way to the back and actually got a great view from standing behind the promo table (where The Iron Maidens were selling their goods). It was great because nobody was standing in front of me for about 10 feet. I could see everybody in the band, Aja saw even saw me. I must have been about 50 feet back to give you a feel for how far away I was. The sound was great too (with the exception of the speaker going out a few times). I did hang around after the show to chat with the ladies, but wow, what a wait...sooo many people! But it was all good, well worth the wait :D It was also good to hear the extended list of songs. Love the Ides of March intro (sorry Jeff - but I also Love Aces High as an intro too!) The resurection of playing Prisoner was definitely a nice surprise - always a favorite song, just love that beginning with the drum & guitar. Raveballs, they played Prisoner a few times about a year ago or so. BTW, great photo's, thanks for sharing. That photo I snapped for you with Wanda we should have tried again - too much flash reflection. I sure hope the iron ladies can play more gigs like that with a two hour set list!
spideyjg said:
FYI Curt or anyone planning on going tonight.

Canes is not selling tickets ahead of time :cry: and the box office opens at 9:00 PM.

The ladies are pretty popular in San Diego so be quick or be out.

Thanks for the info Jim. Unfortunately I'm gonna to have to sit this one out now...:cry: Hope you all have a blast! Up the Irons!
Red Shirt said:
I did hang around after the show to chat with the ladies, but wow, what a wait...sooo many people! But it was all good, well worth the wait :D I sure hope the iron ladies can play more gigs like that with a two hour set list!
Hey Red Shirt, it was good to see you there... hope i didn't butt in on you at the table after... didn't mean to be rude, but it was crowded. Yes, more 2 hour gigs please!:hotjump:
CrankYanker said:
Hey Red Shirt, it was good to see you there... hope i didn't butt in on you at the table after... didn't mean to be rude, but it was crowded. Yes, more 2 hour gigs please!:hotjump:

You didn't butt in... like I said, it was really crowded. But, good to see you there too. Same with seeing Jackie.
CrankYanker said:
and I am SOOO STOKED on the signed (used and abused by Linda!) drum head I purchased! (It's the drum head with the Iron Maidens sticker and the sweet Eddie drawing by RJ, just above Wanda in the picture above. Metallicat is sure to be jealous of this one!;) )

Funny you should mention it but as soon as I saw the pics, I was like "Ooooh, those are so cool!!! I'd love one of those!!!" Hehehe!! But then again I'm insanely jealous of anyone who gets to just SEE the Maidens!!!

Sweet pics at the top btw!!! :headbang: What a fucking setlist btw - holy crap!!!! I would have died to witness this one!!!!!!!! :worship:
raveballs said:
glad you all liked the pix. although, they're a bit ego-centric this time LOL
so if you want any pix of the maidens without the short, hairy jewish guy in it, you'll have to adobe photoshop me out of them! :loco:

A short, hairy Jewish guy with a good sense of humour will not be "photoshop deleted" from any pictures !!
Metallicat180 said:
But then again I'm insanely jealous of anyone who gets to just SEE the Maidens!!!

I think that it is time for your to plan that trip to LA and finally see the Maidens instead of this endless wondering. You will love seeing the Maidens and seeing LA.
It was indeed a sweet show. Long set... And we even got a Bruce Rant from Aja. Totally brilliant.

I planned to make it to San Diego last night, but had to nix the idea, due to the inclement weather. I've driven to SD and back in the rain after a Maidens show and... it was NOT FUN (I did get mooned by a bunch of drunk Marines though)...
Ugh. I made the mistake of doing Patrón shots with Linda at about 2AM when I had to get up and work a 15 hour film shoot at 7AM... I was not lookin' pretty that morning let me tell ya! Anyway great show and was nice to chat a bit...

Up the IRONS! (both the male and female varieties!)
Completely awesome show, but the stage sucked!! (too small - too short) I could see some heads once in a while, but I really could only see the Gals when they stood on the monitor up front. The band sounded great and Liz is awesome! :headbang:

Oh yea, sorry if we hogged up the table after the show. NOT! :D
nlukes said:
I think that it is time for your to plan that trip to LA and finally see the Maidens instead of this endless wondering. You will love seeing the Maidens and seeing LA.

I really think I do need to do that!!!!! My friend is desperate to get back to LA and we'd like to go together and I've told her that if we do, then she is coming to a Maidens show whether she likes it or not. She's always said that she's not a huge Maiden fan but I don't care!!! But knowing my luck, the time that I'd be in LA would be the time that the Maidens are in New York or something!!! :loco: