Pizzeria of Italian Metal

Love this stuff that blurs the line between cheesy hair stuffs and proto-power metal
Don't think I know of any Italian hidden gems that aren't already well-known on this site. I'm basically voting for them in the Metal World Cup just for Adramelch/Dark Quarterer/Paul Chain/Doomsword/Rhapsody.
mortuary drape, bulldozer and necrodeath are obvious. death ss/paul chain and black hole too, but i imagine there's a shit-ton of interesting doom beyond those - i always got the impression there's a major '70s italian prog influence on that movement.

obviously if anyone knows of any great oddball trad records in the adramelch or dark quarterer vein, do tell. IRAE MELANOX is my favourite italian record by a good margin.

i always liked ONEIRICON: THE WHITE HYPNOTIC by ras algethi, but that's an acquired taste. the folks here who like meditative funeral doom (with 100% clean vocals) may dig.

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obviously if anyone knows of any great oddball trad records in the adramelch or dark quarterer vein, do tell. IRAE MELANOX is my favourite italian record by a good margin.

Not Italian, but Thunder Way is the closest thing I know of to an Adramelch clone

And for some reason fucking no one listens to the post-Adramelch band Anathema

Gehenna was one of my first Corroseum discoveries, but at the time I thought they just sounded like some kind of hard rock/wimpy trad with an Adramelch guitar tone, like that kind of Rush-influenced pseudo-metal that you can often find in Midwestern "prog metal" bands, and wrote them off. Haven't listened to the album in nearly a decade tbh. That particular song already sounds pretty great and Adramelch-y though. Actually wow, the verses are really groovy and mean. Will definitely give it another shot.
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