I know man, but when you drop "I want my mixes to sound like Joey Sturgis (TDWP, Oceano, and so forth)" that's like asking for trouble lol
The guys here LOVE pod tone and general "gimmes" and "tell mes"- just looking out for you after I've recently become addicted to this forum in the past year
No need to explain how long you've been in the game either, that could just start another potential shit storm of sarcasm
This forum has more than enough guys that have pretty much listed all the trick in the book- it's mostly a search site for anything you can think of, and occasionally someone will ask/ bring up and interesting situation or discussion. Lately it has been kind of lazy/ignorant questions and people arguing about Triggers release months ago- everything I have kind of ran into has been answered at least a year ago, mostly
I'll take a chance at speaking for everyone when I say it's not the years under your belt, but the your product that shows your want and ability to dig and learn that all like- speaks for itself