Playing fast


Sep 14, 2003
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How do I play the bass really fast? Got any tips?
I don't want to use pics. I just can't play fast with my fingers.
If I use more than 2 fingers it sounds like the baslines of iron maiden gallopish songs.
I'd say start slow with the 4 picking fingers. Get yourself a metronome. Start slow with like 120 beats-per-minute or something (you kinda have to gauge your own starting speed). That way you get used to your fingers moving in 4/4 time. That should get rid of that "galloping" sort of sound. The galloping comes from bursts of playings rather than a stead beat. Practise whatever til you got it down and just slowly increase the tempo. After a couple weeks of doing this like every other day you will notice increased finger control.

You must be patient. Most of these metal bands guitar players have played for yearsssssssss. Speed and endurance don't happen over night. I'm at 5 years of playing guitar and can play metal but I still have alot to learn.
Yeah. You definantly have to teach your fingers how to move in order and in time. Once you get the basic technique down you will be increasing tempo rapidly.
Live Cannibalism rules!! I love watching them play Dead Human Collection, that song is a nice challenge.

Playing with a pick isn't necessarily cheating. It has a whole different sound than finger picking. Using a pick has a more of a popping sound to it, using fingers has more of a punch and sounds deeper, more full.

The fast up and down picking is called tremelo picking and is the main method of speed using a pick. Tremelo picking also takes time to master to get endurance and have an even note blast, in time.
I've been playing bass for quite a while, and I use my fingers. With that said, what I am about to tell you may not make much sense, haha.

If you are really concerned with playing fast, I'd say don't be afraid to use a pick. There's no shame in using a pick, and it definitely has some advantages that playing with your fingers doesn't. Speed is one, of course. Obviously it's easier to play faster with a pick. I've noticed also, that I seem to get a nice gritty, dirty tone when I use a pick. When I was in a death metal band, I used a pick to record our album, just because I LOVED the tone. I still used my fingers live, because I honestly feel uncomfortable using a pick.

There's absolutely no shame in a bassist using a pick, and anyone that tells you otherwise is an idiot.
Well, using fingers when you play bass gives you much more control i think. But yeah, the sound of using a pick on the bass gives a more punching sound, it sounds cool.
But to me using the fingers is more easy than a pick, except for the speed.
Anyone heard of B War in marduk? He's from where I live and a dad to a friend of mine are old friends with bwar. He told me that.. to him...using fingers is the only way to play really really fast.