Playing for fun, musicians??


Child of The Grave
Aug 26, 2003
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Well, I have been getting this strong feeling that for once my songwriting is starting to go somewhere, and it's not that I couldn't come up with good riffs or leads, but I just couldn't really make something out of them, especially since my intent was definitely in the prog metal area. So what I mean to say, is that before now, I have always loved to play my favorite bands' songs for enjoyment, and just when jamming around, but lately, all I really do is play my own songs, because they are just that fun, which has never really happened to me. So How about you guys?? Do you guys have more fun playing your own stuff, or other riffs when you are just jammin around on your guitar/bass/whatever?? It's always been songs for me, but just recently, I feel like my stuff is better than some of the stuff I listen to, and it is very surprising, and just wanted to know how the rest of the metal musicians around here feel about their own music, and it's "fun" factor I guess you could say??
Well, I feel almost exactly like you.
Of course it is fun to play the "great one's" stuff, but theres nothing comparable to hear (or play) one of your own compositions as it was meant.
For truth's sake I have to admit that trying to play songs of the common prog gods always ended in some despair, for their technical abilities are way above mine. So my only choice was to come up with music I (and my bandmates) can play and still sound credible (is that a word?).
In the end knowing that I (probably) never will make any money with my music is okay for me, because getting credits for your own sound beats getting credits for another ones compositions by 10 to 1.

Keep it up,

Recently I've been mostly playing my own stuff and writing it, to the extent of forgetting music by other bands. This is only a problem because I want to improve my technique. For me, the real interest is in creating the music rather than reproducing that of someone else.
Most fun for me = jamming....either just by myself or with a band, whatever. Playing covers is fun, especially in front of people who are into it, but I don't spend much time learning them anymore. Only to keep myself in shape really, but all I can play off the top of my head anymore is some Opeth, Iced Earth and various riffs.

So playing my own stuff...thats a lot more fun. Just making it up as I go along is the best, usually just go off one idea and start expanding on it, I actually suprise myself sometimes because i'll be playing for 20 minutes or something and manage to tie in the whole damn song again without really repeating a riff. THAT feels fucking great. Not much good for technicality or real songwriting, but enjoyable...yeah.

I doubt i'm anywhere near as good as Leper Affinity, but I think this definitely comes with getting better at guitar, or at least comfortable enough in your own style, technique, whatever. For a while there everyone plays cover songs because you have to, but eventually you just absorb it all and make that big mix of ideas your own.
My own stuff is the most fun. One day it will kick ass. Just listen to other bands on a bad stereo and youll start thinking u can do better than them. If u listen to other bands on a good stereo or maybe headphones you will think "damn I will never be this good". Works for me :-) I hope this helps for people who are lacking motivation. :hypno:
I don't need no stinkin' motivation! O.K I do, I play my own shit have since I started. right now I don't have my axe with me but will soon. Usually I write something new every day, and sometimes after watching a movie. I always have my mini tape recorder sitting on my amp in case I think of something new I can hit record and play and if it sounds cool I have it on tape if it sucks I record over it. Plus I can go back later and listen to remember what I played to play it again, And it gives me the ability to listen and see how I want to change or add something. Keep doing what you're doing, cause it's always fun to play something you wrote. Later, -RJAIII-
I love playing and creating, playing other people's stuff is ok, but it is more fun just being able to express yourself, play and noodle for fun. If it was no fun i wouldn't bother!

I do enjoy playing my own stuff, coming up with new bits, but also stuff i have written towards or my stuff that has been changed by the rest of the band. Makes it more fun as the ideas have been fleshed out into something bigger than the original sum of it's parts
I pretty much just play my own stuff, Ive never been big on learning other peoples songs, actually I only really know my own stuff at the minute
The last song of someone elses I learned how to play was Metallica's "For Whom the Bell Tolls"... back when it was a brand new release :)

So it's been a while for me, to say the least. I know I've been influenced by a lot of artists over the years, and have surely learned a lot from them as well... but actually sitting down to learn someones song... I've never really had any desire to do that. It's way more fun to invent my own music.