Playing live to a drum track.

Donovan S.

Jul 6, 2010
Oklahoma, US
So our drummer doesn't take care of himself and is very sick. We have a big show coming up opening for Dying Fetus and Fleshgod Apocalypse tomorrow night. We can't drop the show so we are playing with programmed drums through the PA. Any body have any experience with this? Kinda nervous to be honest :yell:
I have experience with this, by all means try to avoid using a computer, especially a daw. Render all of the drum tracks and put it on your iphone or some shit in a playlist. Oh and never leave the drums quiet for more than a measure, just add some hihats so you can keep up with the computer, it won't wait for you if you're playing too slow. ;)
Yeah I made sure of both of those things. Burned the drum tracks to a CD for the sound guy. There were a few parts where the guitars would be alone for extended amount of time so I had to add in some closed hi-hat to keep the rhythm.
Dont be too nervous, just tell the audience your drummer is under the weather and will be back but you came prepared haha. I saw Peccatum use a drum machine in 99, everybody didn't care. As long as it sounds good fuck it. Good luck. At least you know your drummer wont fuck up lol
The ideal way to do this would be to use an interface with a lot of outputs and send the FOH guy signals for kick, snare, toms, and cymbals in stereo.

If you are doing a stereo stem, make sure it is very well mixed and heavily compressed.

And I wouldn't do CD and have it controlled by FOH, I would do it from an iPod so a band member could control the playback from stage...