Playing with Amplitube 3


Sep 22, 2010
Orlando, FL
I had some free time on Saturday and wanted to get to know Amplitube and Cubase 7.5 a little better. So I threw together some riffs, programmed some drums, and now here I am. I guess I would say this is in the vein of progressive rock/metal. Enjoy

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I never have been an Amplitube fan myself, but I like what you did here. I don't know your personal preferences on mixing, but the guitars could come up a bit. And I think that on the section right around the 1:45 mark, you could use two more guitar tracks to really accentuate it. Other than that, I really like the song!
That's a great song! Mind sharing some info about the way you used Amplitube here?

I was never too fond of Amplitube 3, but that is probably due to the fact that I don't know how to dial in a good tone :D

Now that I have a Kemper, I can load other people's great tones easily and try to get close with Amplitube. Here is a quick demo; the guitars are switched between the Kemper profile and Amplitube (+ a freeware impulse + brute force match eq). Full mix first 0:00-0:18 and the just the guitars (L+R) 0:18-0:37.

You can hear the changes between Amplitube and Kemper of course, but it gets surprisingly close IMO.

My faith in Amplitube is getting stronger. :)