Playing with Fingers Only


New Metal Member
Jul 25, 2008
Hi Chris,

First of all I just like to say that you are an awesome player, very versatile. That is why I want to ask you this question. I haven’t been playing for long (5 months) and I only want to play with my fingers and not a pick, like a bass player. Why? There a few reasons. One is I have a hard time getting smooth strumming. I sometimes hit one string harder than another as I am strumming upwards or downwards. Second I have a hard time keeping the pick steady between my fingers. It’s always moving around and strains my hand. Third, when I have to play arpeggios with my thumb and three fingers I have a hard time getting the pick tucked away and staying secure. So my question is, can you get away with just playing with your fingers to do individual notes, arpeggios, chords or strumming and also pop and slap. Does it come down to personal preference or does a pick do certain things better than the fingers can do, and vice versa. Let me know what you think about this.


Personally I prefer playing with a pick, but I try to play as much as I can with my fingers too. I think it's good to try to be able to both. Both have their advantages and disadvantages.
Hi Chris,

First of all I just like to say that you are an awesome player, very versatile. That is why I want to ask you this question. I haven’t been playing for long (5 months) and I only want to play with my fingers and not a pick, like a bass player. Why? There a few reasons. One is I have a hard time getting smooth strumming. I sometimes hit one string harder than another as I am strumming upwards or downwards. Second I have a hard time keeping the pick steady between my fingers. It’s always moving around and strains my hand. Third, when I have to play arpeggios with my thumb and three fingers I have a hard time getting the pick tucked away and staying secure. So my question is, can you get away with just playing with your fingers to do individual notes, arpeggios, chords or strumming and also pop and slap. Does it come down to personal preference or does a pick do certain things better than the fingers can do, and vice versa. Let me know what you think about this.


All those problems you cited are problems that can be overcome through practice. You'd just have to put more time into it.

Aside from that, it is possible to play with only fingers, I think one of the guitarist's from Three does that. It would be a challenge though.