Recording deathcore bass with fingers or pick?


Jan 21, 2010
I'm debating whether or not to track my band's (I'm the bass player) album with fingers or a pick.

I can play well with both, I'm just more prominent with my fingers. For tone's sake, what do you guys who work with deathcore bands prefer a bassist to use?
I was just wondering because obviously a pick has more of an attack and fingers make the tone a little more rounded out in the lower mids. Maybe the new strings I put on before tracking won't make it THAT much of a difference.
But, I'll probably do what you suggested, thanks!
I know a bunch of guys are going to come in here and tell you that you have to do it one way or the other but I'd just go with the tone you like better. The pick will probably cut better but the fingers will probably sit really nicely.
I prefer bassists to use a pick for deathcore, but if they're actually talented finger players I don't ask them to switch.
personally i prefer pick just because its more consistent as far as dynamics go, but then again if you have a good finger technique then by all means since you feel more comfortable.