Please can people help with this mix :)

Renegade Audio Productions

New Metal Member
Sep 14, 2012
I'm producing an EP for a band and I'm at the mixing stage. I was just wondering if you could give this track a listen and let me know what can be improved.
Cheers, John :)

First thing I noticed was that the drums are a little too tame. Especially the snare could use more punch. And don't mean more compression. Maybe it's too compressed already and eating up the attack of the shells. And in the part with the clean vocals you might consider to correct the timing, it seems to be all over the place. Don't know what your technical possibilities are. I'm often using melodyne for these things.
Guitars are cool, but maybe they take too much space for the drums too breath.
nice song!
i agree with jarrysopa1984 that drums need to be more ''punchy'' for that genre
also i've noticed a guitar melody at the right speaker and not in center why that mate?
my take on advice
1. Bass needs taming
2. Kick and bass relationship is muddy
3. Snare needs room in the 175-300hz area
4. Drums lack punch

Ways to improve this
1. Turn down everything but the drums to equal the volume - people commonly turn up the guitars and bass too much making the drums sound thin
2. Sidechain the kick and bass. AND eq around 60-70hz out of the bass to leave room for the kick
3. Sidechain snare and toms to the guitar track. Only -3db reduction should do the trick. immediate attack if possible, and VERY fast release.
4. Also, send shells to a comp bus. Slap a compressor on it. compress using very fast attack, and very fast release. Large ratio and -23 threshold. The drums when solo'd on this Comp bus should sound like shit, barely any attack but a lot of sustain, this should add some poundin' to your ear drums.
5. Limit that bass guitar