Dec 18, 2007
Chicago, IL
Hello all I've been lurking around and studying and gaining knowledge as I've been recording my band's demo. I have a 1st mix of one of our songs done and would like to know what anyone thinks of it! Thanks to Andy and every one of the users on the Andy Sneap forum for your input and postings that helped not only me but everybody else on here!

Check it out here:

The song is called Down

It was recorded with a Focusrite Saffire Pro 26 i/o:
Ddrum triggers
Audix Drum mics
Senneheiser mics
ESP guitars with 6505+ and Crate Blue Voodoo V30 cab with SM57 and Audix i5 double tracked.
Bass Direct in using Esp bass.
Vocal direct in with Senneheiser e835.

AND BEST OF ALL REAPER DAW!:rock::kickass:
Guitars sound distant. Drums are very thin.

However, I can tell there is potential in this mix. Are you able to reamp the guitars still?
Check out the "Preparing your tracks for reamping: a guide" thread stickied at the top of the production tips section; as for the reamping itself, Little Labs Redeye or Cuniberti Reamp are king
it definately has potential. I like the drums, althought like many things in the mix, they sound distant. The guitars sound like a boss metal zone. They need some midrange. The bass is pretty good, but i presonally would make it a bit grindier, put it through some Overdrive or something. The kick could use alittle low end, and it could come down alittle. The snare and toms could be louder.
Thanks Habsburgs and KeithRT99 for the input! Anyone else I would appreciate any comments on the riffs or song structure does it flow well? Would this be something you would listen to or go to a show to see? Do you think this music would have any potential ever for being signed or on a tour with any of the like musical genres? Thanks to everybody again on this forum I can't explain how much I've learned in the past 3 months regarding the recording process and how it should be done! :rock:
I thought it has potential too, especially liked the Cynic-esque clean part towards the end. Just wondering though, is your vocalist endorsed by the word 'shit'?:blush: :p