please critique my drum sound?


off topic user
Dec 29, 2005
brooklyn, ny
hey guys, please tell what you think of the way my drums sound. thanks 'preciate it! guitar and bass will be added on tuesday! :rock::kickass: :Smokin: :goggly:

it would also be cool if u guess what i used, and it has nothing to do with drumkit from hell or bfd. . . - the song called "the song drum mix"

btw - you can hear the full song with crapo drums on that page too. . .
I didn't like it... Not to sound harsh, but it's pretty hard to judge with wits such crappy quality on the mp3. Sounds like my old yamaha keyboard, standard rock kit.
Am I close;)
heh thanks for the criticism but nah its a v-kit. . i did mention to my friend that the toms sound very yamaha 80'sish, the kick and snare are badass imo...

where do i go about tweaking it?

am i just better off loading the midi data into battery 2 with dkfh?

ps. a lot of songs i do have samples from yamaha keyboards and such, i am gonna post my demo on soundclick soon. . .but i am trying to go for a "real album" sound this time. . . but still with all digital instruments. that is my new project. . .
Not too bad actually..

Your strongest points are the kick and the snare..

The toms sounds a bit 80's like you said.. i think the hihats, the ride, and the cymbals are okay, but nothing spectacular you could have with BDF or DFHS..