Rate this sound - specially 006

Smy, that's all well and good, but from a listener's perspective, he sounds like he's going beyond his abilities on a lot of the parts in the clip. The drums are distracting because they don't sound like he's playing in very tight timing. He may well be, and that's fine, but whatever he's doing, it sounds like a mess.

For bass on that clip I just used my Hellraiser C7 (also for distorted guitars) through a Digitech Whammy set to 1 octave down. It's ghetto, but it works and I'd rather do that than program bass in Reason. Guitars are all HellRaiser C7 into Ibanez TS-9 TubeScreamer and into a PODxt Live using the MS-Criminal (5150II) amp model. Two cab models used, both with SM57 on axis with 16% room, one cab panned 100% left and right is the 4x12 v30's, and the other cab is panned 70% left/right and it's the 4x12 TreadPlate. The Treadplate is placed a little lower in the mix, about 4db or so lower than the V30 cab. Only eq'ing done after recording, on the guitars, was a bass roll-off at 80Hz, besides that, that's the sound straight from the POD.

Yeah, I can post the patches up once I get some time to hook the POD up to the computer here.

Weird.. these patches will not be accepted by my bean... says something like "you are in POD XT mode, these files are made for unknown mode"...
Lol. I can just post the settings if that would be easier? I'll do that real quick...


Onboard EQ: 1 - 100Hz +3.2; 2 - 160Hz +4.4; 3 - 600Hz -1.0; 4 - 9.3kHz +6.4 (wierd right!?)

Now, this is all subjective to the guitar you are using, and also I'm using a TS-9 TubeScreamer before the PODxt. I'm using a Schecter Hellraiser C7 with EMG-707's (basically a blend of an 81 and an 85 into one pickup), which has a mohogany body, neck-thru (if I remember correctly)...so, if you have a bolt-on alder guitar you gotta make some changes :p

Like I said, I used both the V30 and the Treadplate cab models on that recording, V30 panned hard left and right, TP is at 70% left and right, and 4dB down from the V30. Only used a bass roll-off at 80Hz after recording.

006 said:
On to other things...I do not work for ToonTrack, although I think I should be rewarded for my relentless representation of their products, :lol:.~006

We keep an eye on ya':goggly:
Here's a short, old (sorry .wav file 7.4mb)D.F.H.S/ Pod Pro XT. HAHAHAHA... I thought I had the only Digitech whammi pedal Ghetto Bass:lol: This is that set up too!!!!

what sounds bad dude.....the tone of the drums?

you dont like the snare sound, kick, toms.....what?