Here's another new song... bit different in sound, and need some ears for this one...

Man, haha, now that I heard this track, I am even more looking forward to getting my POD XT.

I seriously prefer your guitar tone over all the 5150 recordings I heard on this board (the one from Diskonnekt may be an exception). I think your sound is quite "round" and I don't think it is fuzzy or muddy when all the other instruments come in. In the intro it sounds a bit fuzzy when the guitar is panning l/r on its own, maybe only use a sound with a little less gain, so the attack comes out more? Overall I like this guitar sound a whole lot - it's especially awesome on the slower mosh riff at around 3:10! Good job!

My minor gripes are with the synths.

Synths: I am producing a lot of electronic music and the synths are just not very convincing or good sounding. I don't wanna say "cheesy", but they sound very generic. I am not a good orchestral programmer which is why I leave the programming of orchestral stuff to someone else. It takes a lot of work, experience and different libraries to make good natural orchestra sounds.

Overall very nice and awesome guitar tone!
Thanks for the reactions...

Charlie.. i agree on the snare.. i've been trying to get the "pop" on it a bit more, i've some pretty intense compression settings on it as well.. i will have a deeper look into that.. cheers..

Kev... cheers man..
will do.. the MIDI files are up tonight.
And don't worry.. you will get it to sound like this as well one day im sure... i remember saying the very same thing a year ago.. and a lot can happen in a year.. just keep up the reading of tips from the people in here, and other forums.. and offcourse, practice..

Smy1... Glad you liked the tone.. are you getting the metalpack with your POD as well? well worth it..

About the synths.. again, i can see that.. i think some sound okay at best, some sound good, and in general, im happy about the synths IN the mix.. but on their own, they can be average.. any tips?

Black neon bob said:
Thanks everyone! :rock:

Rustmouth!... :kickass: never knew you posted here as well..

Check out Killdivision's MP3 in his sig.. that's going to be on it.. and another vocalist with lower grunts.. im excited!

Should be really good w/ vocals! I've been hanging around here a while. I think we'll be putting up a new Rustmouth tune in the next few days if you want to check it next week sometime.
Black neon bob said:
Thanks for the reactions...

Smy1... Glad you liked the tone.. are you getting the metalpack with your POD as well? well worth it..

About the synths.. again, i can see that.. i think some sound okay at best, some sound good, and in general, im happy about the synths IN the mix.. but on their own, they can be average.. any tips?


Yea, I'll be getting all the packs with it.

Regarding synth stuff, I usually take a lot of time to pick sounds and shape them. The thing I didn't understand in the beginning is that synths are a lot like guitars: if you don't get a good basic sound from them, you'll end up having problems later. What I do a lot ist strip all the FX from the synth preset. The internal reverb goes out, the internal delay goes out, etc. Then I add better sounding FX via inserts and really try to make it work with the rest of the song. Most of it is in choosing the good, fat pure synth tone first, though. Just like with guitars and amps, hehe ... My favorite synths at the moment is the RGC Zeta who sounds very nice to my ears ...

Sadly (being a metal-guitarist for 17 years) I didn't understand that till after my first album was finished, so I now hate most of the sounds on my debut record, hahaha ... :)

Also it's always a challenge to blend organic instruments (like guitars and drums) with electronic instruments (like synths). What I am currently doing is creating an FX track with a very short delay (10ms) and pan it differently than the original synth sound. So the original might be panned to 9 o´clock and the delay to 3 o´clock. I then sometimes eq the FX track some more in the treble fequencies and reduce them to make it blend in more.
006 said:
BnB, how do you do the short little cymbal crescendos in the beginning? Is it just three hits all close together and varying velocities? Or what? Maybe you could toss the MIDI from this song to me on AIM/MSN sometime? Thats pretty much the only thing I can't figure out in DFHS is how to do cymbal crescendos...I've given up so many times trying, heh. Let me know man.

Moving on...great song! Probably one of the best, production and writing wise. You have a couple that are great writing, could use better production, and vice-versa, this is definitely your best work yet altogether, IMO. Keep up the great work man.


If you have DFH2 and Kontakt 2, it can be done with a script..... Don't know if Kontakt can open DFHS files though....
I have DFH2 with Kompakt...the sampler that comes with it. DFHS is *far* better then DFH2 if it can be done in DFH2...surely it can be done in DFHS somehow. I think I'll post a nice little thread on the ToonTrack user forum.

Bob - Great programming. One thing I want to ask, on your mix, the ride is very independent, like it should be. Lately I've just been compressing the OH track slightly as to bring up those ride hits, but it's not really cutting it. I've heard of a couple of people I know making the ride hits on a seperate track altogether, that way the ride is on it's own track for the bounce to wav. Is this your method as well? If not...please devulge your secret for making that ride stand out in an ocean of other cymbals like that. Hehe.

006 said:
I have DFH2 with Kompakt...the sampler that comes with it. DFHS is *far* better then DFH2 if it can be done in DFH2...surely it can be done in DFHS somehow. I think I'll post a nice little thread on the ToonTrack user forum.

Check out this thread- Kontakt Scripts
That is rather impressive. Huge difference. If only I could figure out how to do it in DFHS! Or maybe there is a script or *something* like that but for DFHS? I posted on the TT forum in two of the sections. Hopefully somebody has figured it out and will see the post. :)


Cheers.. and no, i did not use seperate track for the ride alone.. allthough it should have been done in DFHS.. so one could pan it, and EQ on it's own instead of being drawn into the whole OH track.. oh well..
I have done this before with a reason hihat and ride samples before.. so that's worth looking into for sure.. and i might go back and do that again..

I just krank that ride way up from the DFHS interface itself.. i leave the velocity for what it's worth.. just up all the way.. as you can see in the MIDI file (did that work properly by the way?)
Yeah, the MIDI file was perfect. I noticed you probably set the Insert Velocity to 127, thats one of the coolest things about DFHS you can have everything full blast and the randomizing just makes it work fine and sound pretty damn realistic at the same time. :) Yeah I just realized I could turn the ride(s) up specifically in the construct window. I will try that out.
