Rate this sound - specially 006

Snare fills sound like a machine gun, the cymbals don't sound randomized nearly enough, and the kicks sound so fake it's not even funny.

Again, DFHS is just better. This is the .... 1,000,000th time it's been proven now? I could do the same exact sequence in DFHS and it would sound a lot better. Which I've just proven with the thread author's clip.

Are you Superior yet?

That was one velocity set with medium humanization.....I could easily make those rolls sound more realistic...I never use the those features anyway. I tweak the velocities by hand.

Kick sounds fake? Umm, maybe its my eq settings.....

I have both programs and use BFD more because....and get this...I LIKE THE WAY IT SOUNDS...

006 your clips are great....(except that last one...snare sounds like crap to me) I just have not been able to get the sound I want from DFHS....Im looking for a big fat ass snare and kick...I have yet to hear this from DFHS
(splat88's clip is the closest to what Im looking for. Reinstalling DFHS tonight)
Right, you can like how it sounds more all you want. But it fucking sucks. That's the point here. I have mine set to ONE velocity all the way through and the randomizing is MUCH better with DFHS, obviously. Left and Right hits alone make BFD look like a fucking joke. Thats what it is to me. So, again, you can like the sound all you want, but at the end of the day, BFD still sucks the big one.

Did BFD take your lunch money? Did it steal your girlfriend? Kick sand in your face?

Meee-ow man...relax........

......we all know you "spoon" with those 9 dvd's at night when you sleep...its okay, if thats what you're into......to each his own bro, to each his own....LOL