please critique new jam "Aborted" AD + Podxtpro


Mar 6, 2007
been working on writing, recording and mixing this for most of today
I'd like you guys to pick this apart because I actually intend to turn this into a workable project in the near future.

ad and my podxt pro on this one
schecter omen 6 with stock pups
alvarez 4 stringer with stock pups

I'd love to get vox on this one. anyway here's the link

streaming soundclick player

thanks guys!!!
wont anyone take 5 minutes out of their life to help me out with this mix? its very important to me and I'd appreciate any help you guys can offer.
thanks again :kickass:
nice breakdown in there.... the kick has too much slap for my liking, snare has to come up....guitar tone is alright, bit boxy though...
thanks. by slap do you mean attack in hi-mids or hi's?
also, do you reckon the snare should come up all together in volume or maybe would it be better to roll back on some ambience/reverb?
one last thing, can you explain boxy for me? like do you literally mean it sounds like it was recorded in a box?
i guess so, slap as in you you know...slap haha i would prefer a nice solid deep kick...

with the snare, theres lots of room on it, maybe consider tightening it up; i would also bring it up in the mix, its loud at the start but then is lost when the guitars come in (automate it?).... cymbals are fine..bring hi hats up a touch...

the guitars are pretty good, they only have a touch boxiness to them, as in noisy...
I think I know whats going on with the kick now after looking at the settings again... I've got the compression release set WAY too slow so it totally kills the body... on smaller shelf systems it sounds alright to my ears but I get what you guys are saying about not enough body/too much slap.... but when I played it in my car system with sub... the lows freakin' dominate.....a bit overkill....
I'm thinking to set the release faster on the kick for more punch... any ideas on frequency ranges for more punch out of the kick when mixing drop-tuned guitars and bass?
I know a generalized starting point is a kick boost around 80hz for drop tuned guitars mixes.
for what its worth to know, the schecter I used on this song is in drop b. I'm just wondering if there is much of a relationship between frequency areas for different low-ends on drop tuned guitars in comparison to kick boosts...
I'll have a look at what I used on the pod and get back to you tomorrow (midnight here and I have to work in the morning)
thanks again guys for you replies, I appreciate all the help I can get with this mixing stuff
you have to trial your frequencies (listen) to make it 'sit' in the mix, theres no real specific frequency that you can use to make it perfect. Just fiddle around with em until you like what you hear.