Please have a listen and share your thoughts


Mar 6, 2007
I've been working on this project off and on for a couple weeks in my spare time, when I get it.
I call this jam Mystique Unveiled and I'm quite proud of it, to be honest.

I used my Schecter C+ with Dimebucker through the podxtpro
the standard ezdrummer rock kit with eq and compression all over the place
and my old Alvarez 4 string bass w/ stock pups again through the podxtpro.

Anyway, I'd appreciate if you guys would have a listen or 2 and help pick out anything that you feel could use some improving and ideas on how I could improve it, of course.

Here's a streaming 192kbps mp3 Mystique Unveiled
No offense man, but ditch the podxtpro. Your guitar sound is total shite and your mom's cooking sucks too!!!
And only a n00b uses ezdrummer. You n00b.
But, with all that aside, lilhermiejobo, this is some really great work man. I'd break the neck on your Alvarez and replace it with lightning and thunder with 275 gauge strings for depth.

BTW, cut back on all frequencies between 10hz-10,000khz and add a touch of 16,000khz by about +46db.

:rock: and :kickass:
No offense man, but ditch the podxtpro. Your guitar sound is total shite and your mom's cooking sucks too!!!
And only a n00b uses ezdrummer. You n00b.
But, with all that aside, lilhermiejobo, this is some really great work man. I'd break the neck on your Alvarez and replace it with lightning and thunder with 275 gauge strings for depth.

BTW, cut back on all frequencies between 10hz-10,000khz and add a touch of 16,000khz by about +46db.

:rock: and :kickass:


Edit: Kidding, of course. Sounds pretty damn good. After a quick listen, I'd say bring down the OHs some.
Thanks, dude!!! I'll have to give it another listen.
ATM, I was trying to compensate for a lack of vocals by filling in space with extra reverb here and there.
Thanks, dude!!! I'll have to give it another listen.
ATM, I was trying to compensate for a lack of vocals by filling in space with extra reverb here and there.

Dude... ATM? Lets keep the vulgar sex acts in the barn where they belong. I this a lot. It is a great mix for a slacker like you. : )

Sounds kinda heavy though. I'd say, try Nylon strings, tune up to G Standard and redo it. I'd add more Ukulele and a touch more Oboe. Also, you said there'd be an accordion solo in honor of my father who died fighting Nazis to get you that PodXT? I didn't hear it! Other than that, a sweet remix of P-Diddy.

BTW - Delete that PIC I sent you, turns out she's 16... and a guy :hypno:
Lovin this!

I really like the intro, love the breakdown after that with the weird guitar and the bass drop, very cool.. it explodes after that, you asked me to critique this, there is not much i can do for you here man... few things i did notice but are almost not worth mentioning:

- Guitars sound a bit scooped..

- Cymbals, you could compress them more i think, if they are compressed at all... they sound a bit dry and straightforward... offcourse, this could be what you are aiming for, but i notice this on the kickass (in flames like) chorus the most.

Great bass sound btw! riffs are scorching and the whole song is epic as fook, im suprised there are not more people reacting to this thread/song.. or maybe they missed it just like i did?

I dunno.. great stuff anyway man, you are progressing!
No offense man, but ditch the podxtpro. Your guitar sound is total shite and your mom's cooking sucks too!!!
And only a n00b uses ezdrummer. You n00b.
But, with all that aside, lilhermiejobo, this is some really great work man. I'd break the neck on your Alvarez and replace it with lightning and thunder with 275 gauge strings for depth.

BTW, cut back on all frequencies between 10hz-10,000khz and add a touch of 16,000khz by about +46db.

:rock: and :kickass:

your an idiot... 16,000Khz is not the same as 16k, your saying boost 160,000hz. Not even elephants can hear that high. Nice try though.
Sarcasm... not for everyone.

Then again, he might be sarcastic as well right now, and got us fooled.

Damn you internetz!!
I can hear 16,000Khz. More importantly, the TOTAL LACK of it in this song.
My rock and roll is surely ruined now without 48db of 16,000khz.
I'm as serious as pissing your pants on stage at ozzfest.

Thanks, everyone, for the feedback on this. I took my time a lot more with this one compared to my other projects so I appreciate the honest criticism.
With all the boosting I did in the midrange area on the guitars, I was worried they sounded a bit honky. Recently I read somewhere on the forum about getting your ears deep cleaned with water blasting and I'm wondering if I might be suffering from blockage affecting the high end in my recordings. And now back on the topic at hand.
The OH's dont have any compression on them at all other than the master bus in Fruity Loops during export. I tried using compression on them but I didn't feel like I was able to find the right settings to make them sound any better. I'm not edumacated when it comes to using compression really. I've read a bit about it but haven't really caught on just yet.