Please critique this DFHS power metal-style drum mix (Children of Bodom)

Ben Johnson

Jan 17, 2006
DFHS + Sneap Snare & Kick

I think I'm getting a better handle on how compression works, and I'm starting to hear the musicality of frequencies. That said, please feel free to rip this mix apart. :)

I tried to get the snare snappier sounding, per the suggestions from my previous thread post, and the toms are a little more under control, I think. However, I'm not entirely sure if I have the right balance of low end in it (there may be too much as I'm using a Logitech computer sub.:erk: )

I brought it up to "master" level with a limiter, but I'm not 100% sure if the lower toms are choking the mix and holding back some loudness. If so, could a little pre-comp eq lowpass do the trick?


i have the same prob using the floor toms of DfH, the low end is too damn wild! but nothing that a good multiband compressor wouldn't solve.. also try some tweaking with the dynamics (velocity), it'll help a lot.
Thanks for listening and sharing your comments, guys.

Nebulous said:
The toms do seem to stick out too much. My first instinct would be to use a multiband compressor to tame their low end.

Seems like a reasonable idea. A Sneap C4-esque setting might be just what the doctor ordered. Those offensive frequencies are where the bass is supposed to live, right?

Goddamn Guitar said:
that snare doesn't fit with the rest of the drums... Try one of the DKFHS snares...

I've had more trouble with the damn snare than anything else:ill: I'm using Andy's snare with an underside-miked Pearl stainless steel for the reverb sound. I'm not too fond of the DFHS snares for this kind of production - they're good for a close "drum room" sound for a modern feel, but not too good for that cold, sterile power metal sound. Any suggestions for this?

zolhof said:
i have the same prob using the floor toms of DfH, the low end is too damn wild! but nothing that a good multiband compressor wouldn't solve.. also try some tweaking with the dynamics (velocity), it'll help a lot.

Dynamics? What is that???:lol: I generally like everything at 127 for stuff like this, especially the toms. There doesn't seem to be enough high end attack at lower velocities. It might not be natural with everything maxed, but there's nothing natural about the sound I'm looking for.

cobhc said:
I agree with what's already been posted, by the way, which Bodom song is this? Sounds like something off Hatebreeder.

Good ear. This is the song Children of Bodom. You probably wouldn't have been thrown off if I had the kick/cymbal chokes at the beginning. That would've been boring though, to sit through 10 seconds of hearing one hit every couple seconds.

OzNimbus said:
I kinda liked it. Which tom set were you using?



Rt1 10" Premier
Rt2 12" Premier
Rt3 14" Sonor
Ft1 14" Premier
Ft2 16" Premier

Unfortunately, there aren't 5 Premier toms, so I had to throw the next best thing (Sonor) in there. I don't think anyone would be able to tell the difference though, they're all so scooped and compressed.
Not so much that the low frequencies will interfere with the bass. While it will, what i had more in mind was that it just sticks out of the whole mix a bit too much. It's a bit over the top right now.