Please give me a warm welcome, it's rather chilly atm..


New Metal Member
Jan 19, 2008
Hello all, I'm tAm- 16 years old from England.
I don't guarantee I'll be on these forums much, mainly because it's been so long since I did go on one, I don't think I'd get used to checking regularly again o_O

But yaaah- I like Katatonia (a lot). I like Machine Head (a lot). I also like Anaal Nathrakh (a lot). Hell, there's loads of bands I like.

Well, that's my intro done X]
:flame:Welcome +tAm+, I hope this is warm enough for you.:flame:

If not.

Do like are friends do and jump up and down :hotjump::Smokin: and wave :wave: :rock: your hands around and dance :danceboy:like a goose.

If that doesn't work you could sit around your computer and be cool:cool: and talk to us, WE can warm you up:Shedevil:

Make you laugh:lol: you can even have a cry:waah: If that's wot makes you feel good:tickled: So once again +tAm+

":yell:"WELCOME TO THE UM and have a nice day:)

Cheers :kickass: maiden1
Welcome to the forum.

*Lights blowtorch*




erm well that didn't work so I'll just say Hi. Basically.
