Please guys come in

We need to have a sticky about EVERYTHING that children of bodom uses. nail filers, type of ceramic bowls, cereal preferred, car, speakers on there computer, pets, bed sizes. How about that? Jesus christ. If you would like to know everything about bodom's gear go to...

you can seriously cut and paste that shit, the simplicity is amazing... Also this forum has a searh option all you have to do is search up janne keyboard or janne gear or something! How about that, lazy bastard.
Second of all..Angel of bodom or w/e the fuck your name is..Gte that shit out of your fucking sig..That is my fucking sig custom made by me.So fucking change it or im gonna do something about it..Stupid fuck.
DeathPact said:
Wow you must have a realy hard time alone then. Go get some more disipline in the army! Tanks are for pussies!

No, using the term NOOB believing people will reconcider their behaviour when called that is for pussies. Trying to act tough on a forum is aswell.
I dont suck at life..But when someone steals my shit.Its just stupid and pisses me off.And the worst part she didnt even ask for it so fuck her.
No dude he was talking to me. I'm not whining about the term noob I'm whining about some cuntfart using it so he can feel superior to new people which ultimately makes him stupid and gay at the same time.
Dude wtf, the guy asked a noob question, im not trying to feel superior, thats your miss conscrued interpretation. If he had searched for keyboard in the search option he would have found his aswer! its that simple.

btw Im realy starting to see where your name comes from.
DeathPact said:
Dude wtf, the guy asked a noob question, im not trying to feel superior, thats your miss conscrued interpretation. If he had searched for keyboard in the search option he would have found his aswer! its that simple.

btw Im realy starting to see where your name comes from.

Looks like Ive done a good job then =D