Please help me nerds.

Erik said:
read: i like dell because i just haven't ever tried anything else so i have no point of comparison

It all depends if you think you can put a computer together, but it is so much cheaper and smarter to buy the parts wholesale and assemble it yourself. Save yourself some serious cash and it's really not that hard to do, you just need to make sure a few parts are compliant with each other.
You can buy an E6600 for less than $400 on its own, and the 'included' processor is somewhere around $150. Don't see how the $250 price difference equates to almost $500 in upgrade price. Just goes to show that you should build your own stuff. Those are some seriously high upgrade prices, they're akin to Apple's upgrade prices. But, if you aren't gonna build your own, just get the stock one. It should run vista fine.

The Core 2 Duo's do shit all over AMD, sadly. I've bought nothing but AMD since the original Athlon, but my next upgrade will be a Core 2 Duo. The E6600 beats every single AMD processor on the market in every benchmark that I've seen (audio, video, gaming, regular computer stuff, etc, etc). AMD slashed their prices in reaction, but the Intel's are still a better bang for the buck. Yeah, Intel and value in the same sentence. Haven't said that since... ever.
Oh, and the Core 2 Duo's use less power and produce less heat. Something AMD has had the advantage in for a long time as well. Can't say I feel too bad. AMD sat on their Athlon 64 laurels for a long time. Funny how they did exactly what everyone hated Intel for when they got the chance. (i.e. keeping prices high and no longer innovating).