Why the hell am I getting extreme latency? Help me out

Harry Hughes

Apr 25, 2009
First things first:
Intel Core 2 Duo 2.33Ghz E 6550 CPU with 1066MHz FSB
3 gigs of RAM
32 bit Vista OS

Just before you guys ask anyway.
I'm running my POD X3 Live which I received last Friday, into the USB 2.0 port for direct monitoring into my studio monitors, using Ableton Live Suite 8.0 as my recording program.
Somehow, I'm getting massive latency.
Ableton Live is telling me my latency is below 5ms with the ASIO4All driver and with the Line 6 POD X3 Live driver, 10.9ms, so obviously I've been trying the ASIO4All driver instead.
Anyone have an idea why I'm getting severe latency issues despite direct monitoring and using ASIO?
Another question, is my computer a slow piece of shit for today's recording, or is my machine purchased new in December 2007 still okay as long as I'm not using many plug ins etc?
First things first:
Intel Core 2 Duo 2.33Ghz E 6550 CPU with 1066MHz FSB
3 gigs of RAM
32 bit Vista OS

Just before you guys ask anyway.
I'm running my POD X3 Live which I received last Friday, into the USB 2.0 port for direct monitoring into my studio monitors, using Ableton Live Suite 8.0 as my recording program.
Somehow, I'm getting massive latency.
Ableton Live is telling me my latency is below 5ms with the ASIO4All driver and with the Line 6 POD X3 Live driver, 10.9ms, so obviously I've been trying the ASIO4All driver instead.
Anyone have an idea why I'm getting severe latency issues despite direct monitoring and using ASIO?
Another question, is my computer a slow piece of shit for today's recording, or is my machine purchased new in December 2007 still okay as long as I'm not using many plug ins etc?

For one thing my computer is 1.6 Ghz with 1gb of ram and I only have about 5 ms of delay with my onyx. I'm afraid the PODX3 driver might be what's slowing you down. Perhaps you can update it or something?
Make sure, you don't have a delay-inducing plugin inserted somewhere. This will delay the whole signal, no matter what your audio-interface latency is. Limiters, Gates and all those linear-phase plugins can have huge amounts of latency.
For one thing my computer is 1.6 Ghz with 1gb of ram and I only have about 5 ms of delay with my onyx. I'm afraid the PODX3 driver might be what's slowing you down. Perhaps you can update it or something?

I've got the latest Line 6 updates, including the latest POD X3 firmware too, as well as the latest ASIO4All driver. The firmware update shouldn't effect latency, given since the POD X3 was released, even with the original firmware the latency was fine for many people, the problem is definitely elsewhere *confused*
@RIF : not using any latency inducing plug ins as of now

@ahjteam: I'm getting the latency without any plug ins, correct.
I'm using studio monitors that are connected to the Live out connections via the POD X3.

Thanks so far guys, I'll try working out some solutions and let you know how it goes.
My guess is Line 6 drivers, I've experimented with my old PodXT and my friend's Toneport UX1 on multiple fast as fuck computers and have never been able to get the latency low enough for real-time monitoring through ampsims (that aren't Gearbox :Smug: ) without horrid pops and clicks - get yourself a good inexpensive firewire interface (Mackie Onyx Satellite baby :rock: ) and never look back!