Getting the most out of POD Farm


Apr 13, 2012
Tulsa, OK
First off, I'm a noob mixer. I've been doing things on my own for a while, but I want to make things sound...well good.
Anywho, I've been using POD Farm for God knows how long, and I've always wondered how I could get the most out of it? For what it's worth?
I'm aware of the Metal Pack upgrade, and I intend on getting that next paycheck, but I don't really know many ways to make my guitars sound huge.
My DAW is Ableton Live (Oh dear lord, DJ software) and I just run my Line 6 GX to POD Farm and then to the DAW.
Any helpful tips or directions to go? :)
Motu Zbox. I've read about it, but they were very vague. What does it do?
Also, I would say I'm a fairly tight player, so Quad Tracking shouldn't be too much of a hassle.
Thanks guys!
The zbox matches guitar and interface impedances - it literally is a small box that plugs into your device and gives you a Hi-Z and Lo-Z input to plug your guitar into, just like an amp head. I use a zbox with my toneport UX1, and the difference isn't hugely noticeable until you A/B compare some clips, but it's definitely there. It's pretty cheap, too.
The zbox matches guitar and interface impedances - it literally is a small box that plugs into your device and gives you a Hi-Z and Lo-Z input to plug your guitar into, just like an amp head. I use a zbox with my toneport UX1, and the difference isn't hugely noticeable until you A/B compare some clips, but it's definitely there. It's pretty cheap, too.

Wow, really? That's simple. I feel stupid now, hahahaha. I'll look into getting one, they sound like a pretty useful tool. Any other pre-toneport gadgets that are a must have?
Thanks a lot, man! I appreciate the help!
just did a quick comparison for a cover we are doing with a Radial J48 vs my Saffire Pro 40 and we actually found the Saffire Pre's to sound better. The guitar track was slightly less thin with the Saffire Pro 40. Suprising
+1 to this. Motu Zbox and the metal shop (or whatever it's called) expansion and you're good to go. Plus a good guitar and tight playing.

I should really understand this by now but i cant seem to so can you dumb this down for me, i use a ux2 with podfarm why would i need a DI box , what would it do as with the Zbox?
