Please help me!


May 24, 2008
Spiral Architect did an amazing cover of Fates Warning's "Prelude to Ruin." It is a beautifully done cover, and I cannot find it anywhere in the interweb for download! I can listen to it on youtube (makes me all warm inside to hear it!) but I seek it in mp3 form. Please help a desperate young girl.

If nothing else you can just record the audio coming out of your computer when it plays on youtube. I did that for some video game music once or twice.
Well I didn't mean with some nonsense tape recorder. I mean with your audio settings (recording (not playback) on a windows) set to "what u hear" and then with any basic recording software, you just click record and the audio is near perfect, perfect if you take like 5 minutes to edit out very minor background noise. I don't know about Mac's though, but I'm retarded there cuz I just got mine.
I have a mac as well! His name is Prince Rupert. He has Garage Band. Perhaps that would work? I'll try it out. Thank you so much for your assistance in this urgent manner, I do appreciate it, sincerely, with all my heart, etc etc like such as etc
Well normally in addition to a method of recording you would need a setting that makes the computer record the sound coming out of it (ya know...on windows theres recording settings like "line-in" "microphone" or "what u hear" - the 3rd one being the choice)...but since macs have built in microphones...maybe that handles itself?