please help need this kick sample!


Jul 7, 2002
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i cant run the drummer superior for do it. my dvd unit dont work.

please if somebody can make me the sample will be great!
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Dude, just look around on the forums. You can get tons of kick samples.
Seraph Records' free Panzer kick is even better than that.
So you're asking someone to sample a commercial product that you don't own (you have Superior, but not this?), am I right?

I'm with everyone else, look around for better samples. There's PLENTY of free ones that compete with or just plain beat that one.
So you're asking someone to sample a commercial product that you don't own (you have Superior, but not this?), am I right?

I'm with everyone else, look around for better samples. There's PLENTY of free ones that compete with or just plain beat that one.

No, he said he has superior but his DVD unit is not workin :) even better
No, he said he has superior but his DVD unit is not workin :) even better

I hate it when that happens..............

There is a work around for when you dvd drive takes a shit when you want to run superior/tmf. Here is what I do:

Step 1: Open your favorite DAW
Step 2: Create an instrument track
Step 3: Insert Superior Drummer on the FX Chain.

Now here is the part you need to pay close attention to:

Step 4: Rub your belly and pat your head a the same time
Step 5: Run in circles (2 to the left, 2 to the right)
Step 6: If you haven't done so already you can click here:
Step 7: Buy what ever software you don't have.

Unless you are installing superior, you do realize that you don't need the disk in the drive, right? Im assuming it must already be installed because why would anyone drop a few hundred dollars on software that they don't have the hardware to run?