Please help Simone of Epica with an extremely worthy cause!


Mrs. Harvester
Staff member
Feb 17, 2009
She's auctioning one of her past stage outfits on eBay and will donate all proceeds to - an internationally operating charity organization aimed to create a global community to support breast cancer patients, survivors and their families all over the world.

From Simone:

Hello to all loyal Epica fans, October is the month of Breast Cancer Awareness. I wanted to make my contribution, because it is important to keep on fighting cancer and keep those wonderful female assets intact.

I hereby want to auction off this kind of iconic top that I wore during the early days of Epica.

The money will be donated to Pink Ribbon. When you place your bid please keep in mind that they money goes to a good cause.

I thank you for all your loyalty and support throughout the years and hope that you are willing to help me raise a lot of money.

eBay auction



I truly commend her thoughtfulness and generosity during Breast Cancer Awareness month. She's proven she's beautiful inside and out.

Must. Not. Comment.

Seriously, this is a very nice gesture for a very worthy cause. If I hadn't already made several donations to Susan G Komen and one for local women with breast cancer, I'd bid. I doubt I'd look good in it though...
I really love this that Simone is doing. I would LOVE to see more bands and band members doing things like this. Breast Cancer has effected my life too in that every woman in my wife's family has had it and it scares me to think of the odds. We must find a cure not only to better the odds of the women in my life but for ALL women. So I say BRAVO Simone. :)
This is hella damned cool. Talk about a one-of-a-kind collectible for that over-the-top music geek.

Hey - waitaminnit, I'm describing myself.
If there's something to be said about Simone is that there's more there than just a pretty face and a great singer. Kudos to her for being so thoughtful. I hope folks keep opening their hearts and wallets for such a great cause. If I could afford it, I'd certainly bid on it. (no, I wouldn't wear it though hahaha)
If I could afford it, I'd certainly bid on it. (no, I wouldn't wear it though hahaha)

Seriously - I'd need it in a 42" version, and then I'd have to wax my back. Even then, the zipper scars and bullet holes would be WAY to visible. I'm ugly enough when I wear a shirt. That thing would disintegrate in protest if I put it on!

And Mrs. Fizrider would look at me and wonder if I'd suffered a stroke if I gave it to her to wear!
Simone's top ending up going for $1,225 - bravo!!
