Please inform me about guitars, humans!


New Metal Member
Oct 4, 2002
I am interested in "rocking out" with an instrument and the only heterosexual one is a guitar. Is anyone capable of giving me tips?

Amp tips would be cool, too.

I am willing to spend around a grand for a guitar.
Not sure about amp price. I saw some dimebag amp thing for three hundred. *shrugs* (I know little about amps.)

SO ANYWAY, all you fools that allow scores of information regarding these tools to pollute your mind... free it.
My personal favorites are just about anything from Dean. Guitars are basically personal preference . So, what I would tell you is, go to your local shop and play around on some guitars. If a salesman comes and talks to you, I would tell him your pricerange and he will ask you some questions. Some like, what type of music do you like to play?, what body styles do you like?, that type of shit. Those are from my experiences anyway.... Then he/she can do their best to direct you to the one you like. When you do find one that you feel fits you, I would go home and check online to see if you can find the same guitar cheaper (make sure you get the model number from the guitar you choose so you get the exact one). Like I said though, there are thousands of different guitars out there, and rarely does one guitar feel the same as another. So, I would say get one that you feel comfortable with, and that sounds good. On the amp part, that all depends if you actually want to play loud right away or not. Haha, for the first amp I would probably go with a small Marshall MG series, they sound good, and are relatively inexpensive.
I never really "played" a guitar. I fiddle with them when they are around me. I am going to let the person I go with play for me to get an idea of the sound.
Fellow torontonians eh..Back on topic i would suggest not getting anything too shitty as a first axe cause youll end up either giving up on guitar because it plays so badly, or having to buy a better one......If youre looking to shred, the mid level japan made jacksons are sweet...Theres a cool black SL1 down at steves music on queen street right now for about 1300 or plays great. Its not outside the realm of possibility to get a guitar that plays really well for under 600 bucks...You just have to be careful as these guitars are few and far between. Ampwise, i always think the line 6 stuff is pretty good for just starting out, or the new Roland Cube amps...they rip for the price, and they can get loud as hell if you need it. Hope this helps...A word of caution is watch out for cheaper korean made ibanez, ESP and even jackson stuff, cause the workmanship can be questionable, and the parts arent very good. Ask more questions if you need, but there is really no substitute for trying it all out!! Cheers:headbang: :headbang:

Shameless plug.....I teach shred guitar if youre looking for lessons (who said that?:err: )......:lol:
retarded penguin said:
I never really "played" a guitar. I fiddle with them when they are around me. I am going to let the person I go with play for me to get an idea of the sound.
Thats a bad idea... good players can make any guitar sound pretty good... then you'll take it home and realize that you sound horrible, and never want to touch a guitar again. haha.
Hoestly nowadays the Schecter stuff is really kicking ass for the money. i really dont feel there is a better made guitar in their price range.

If your looking into a 6 string in the $1000 range, ESP's are very nice, Avoid the LTD's if at all possible not made aswell and for the money your better off with a schecter.

In the Highend range (over $1000) Gibson of course has the Les Paul, Explorer, all uber heavy metal axes !!!

In all honestly, $$$$ doesnt always make something great. The Schecters are still the best bang for the buck, They rival the ESP's which are twice the price.

For 7 strings go with Schecters, the C7 is probably the best made 7 string at the moment, Or if you want perfection any Ibanez Universe made before 1994, those were the originals and they fucking SLAY !!!!

Now for amps .....

It really depends on the sound your looking for. Most modern metal tones are established with 3 particular amps.

Mesa Boogie Rectofier Series (Dual,Triple, Roadking)
Peavey 5150, 5150 II, 6505
Marshall JCM, TSL Series

Personally i am a big fan of the 5150, you can get them cheap on ebay. In Flames, Arch enemy all favor this amp. Its the particular fave of most guys nowaays. Its got a good Marshall type sound but its alot tighter.

The Mesa's are pretty typical, Nevermore, Testament type sounds all come from this amp.

As for Cabinets hands down the Marshall 1960 series is the way to go. They sounds GREAT with just about any amp on the market.

Well i hope this helps out.
yo dude, if youve never played, dont drop a grand on shit, go get a starter kit for 2-3 hundred, comes with a small practice amp and shitty guitar.

Guitars I've played that I like: an american made fender strat... all maple neck... it feels like fucking butter. very nice and fun to play.

as much shit as I give will for his love of BC Rich, they feel great to play, not to hold, but the action is very nice, and i dont think the price tags are too high on them, get a platinum series anything, i played a platinum warlock, and wills platinum beast.. both felt excellent.

i have a pretty nice LTD, was 700 bucks, and it feels great... but I cant say that if i could do it all over again, that id buy the same guitar, id probably go with the schecters.

You can get a good guitar for around 4-5 hundred, just look for what you want, dont get a floyd rose "whammy bar" they are fucking gay, and if your just starting it will be the biggest fucking headache.

as far as amps go, alot of people I know said they liked the Roland micro cube, its a tiny like 15 watt amp, but they say it sounds pretty good, its like 100 bucks and makes a good little practice amp. I have a little 15 watt epiphone practice amp that i stole from my brothers starter set, it sounds pretty good on its own, i used my MT-2 metelzone petal on it for practicing.

If you want a big ol loud amp, i cant really help you on that one, id say look for a decent priced combo amp, like a cheap old fender amp, and jsut get an effects pedal, Boss MT-2 sounds really good for metal and its like 40 bucks on ebay. A buddy of mine loves his Line-6 Spider II combo amp, but I think the digital distrotions on it are gay. The mesa, Marshall JMC and the Peaveys (love the peaveys) are really good. but are really expensive.
OK ignore most of what mike said .... lol Sorry dude :p

Seriously go and play some guitars, feel them, hold them, caress ..... no forget that last one.

See what feels comfortable to play anf buy that, Believe me any decent guitarist can make anything sound good. Its possible.

Most important is PRACTICE and stick with it. Just cause you cant play a loomis solo after a year doesnt mean you suck!!!

Jeffs playing over 20 years, Start with the easy stuff, Classic Metallica, Guns & Roses, start there and work your way up.

As far as the gear get something YOU LIKE !!! Dont get a guitar without a floyd rose cause Mike said they were gay. Mike IS gay so he shouldnt talk ... ha ha ha

Hell i can think of 5 of the guitar greats right off the top of my head that used guitars with floyd roses, and i dare anyone here to play as good as them.

Vai, Satriani, Petrucci, Becker, Friedman, Van Halen.... there ya go 5 awsome shredders who all used Floyd's or Floyd tupe trems now or at some point.

Go with you gut not what your friends tell you is cool.
Yes, go and play on some guitars.

Telling you what I like, or seeing what someone else plays won't give you any ideas whats good for you, and 'help' and suggestions with which brands/models are good (or not) will just confuse you as everyone will like different things.
anvil>> the idea is to HEAR a chord. I cannot make a chord. I can hit notes! But not chords. Having a buddy hammer out some riffs will give me an idea as to what potential the guitar has.

Mike>> fuck that attitude. fact is, if I want to be great at guitar, I will be. why drop a fair fraction of a grand, get good, then go over a grand? dumb moves, friend.

Guru-dude, I am well aware of the practice. The guitar is for kicks. I have no intention on becoming some sort of "shredding god". I just want to randomly break into cool riffs every now and then.
no seriously, don't get a guitar with a floyd rose /floating bridge. It'll piss you the fuck off. To be a RIFF MACHINE you will want to go without.

Notice how he mentions only elite shredders. Shredding is not everything, you dirty wannabe 80's guitarist fucks