Please inform me about guitars, humans!

the old horned god who refused to die after his seven year reign
and has ever since eaten the eggs from the great worm to postpone his death
for 20 000 years.

I have, and it is a mighty beast of an album. I just have to keep the mindset different from Traveller or I start to compare them and then it falters. It has an amazing style all of it's own
Loving Hardworlder?!


I should have listened to Mike and grabbed that Roland micro amp, dammit. The spider thing sounds great but it's wayyy too big. My new Roland gets the job done just as well.

An acoustic would have been smart, I am a bit sloppy when I attempt lead, but it's not too bad; string control needs work. I also can't strum for shit, which makes me a bit stale melodically, I think.

Schecter worked out great and I'm really happy with the mahogany body. although, playing lying down is beginning to crack my ribs. after some reading I thought it was interesting that schecters are built similarly to gibsons.

next guitar might be an outrageously priced gibson les paul that will probably look tacky as fuck, or some kind of custom from esp. ..reaaaally want an explorer. (but a cool looking one, not the gay looking ones)
the worst years of my life

Wuss. ;) (Although they can be a bitch for beginners, and the cheap ones really are pretty much worthless - but a *real* Floyd is a different story.)

In all honesty, this is one of the better times to be a starting guitar player. The Korean guitars are kicking ass in the reasonable price range, and some decent amps can even be had for under a grand.

To start with, try one of the Schecters and, say, the Peavey Valve King amp. Good starter set.