Please listen to this small clip

sounds nice, a bit like in did u record it?


I've recorded the guitars with my POD X3 Live using the BigBottom preamp with impulses. The guitars are quad tracked.

The bass is also through the X3 with some factory preset I think.

Drums are Superior 2 with samples used with Aptrigga.

Effects are mostly Logic's standard effects.

Anyone else who got something to say about the mix?
sounds fake as fuck. go buy a drum kit.

Well, if you record acoustic drums for every demo song you do and if your a guitarist who's great at drums, congratulations! I rather save my money for something more guitar related than buying a drum kit which I can't use.

Guitars sound good, i'd personally use S2.0 samples w/o replacement, just give it a try ;)

I've tried to get a decent sound out of the S2.0 but I can't really get the snare and the kick to sound as I want to. But I might try it again :)

I've increased the high frequencies in the mastering at this one. Is it too much? Should I lower them?
Very nice sound. It's so weird...if you have a good sound with "fake stuff", you always have this kind of "sounds like crap" opinions. But if you record with real amp, and real drums, you usually sound more crap, still having good feedback. About 99% of all people could not tell the difference with this one, thats for sure.
Sounds pretty cool to me listening to it in mono on my on little computer speaker. Seems like when you turned up the highs it made the cymbals to bright for my taste. But I am listening with crap speakers. Cool guitar playing.