PLEASE READ! New Studio Space I May Be Moving Into ... Need INPUT!!


Nov 13, 2003
Las Vegas
Here are some photos with some explinations on what they are.....

The guy with the building is kind of a shark, but hes offering to split the rent 50/50 as long as he can run rehearsals out of the 2 rehearsal rooms and STUDIO B. Rent on the place is $1400 a month plus half the electric of $500 so I am looking at $850 a month out of pocket.

Take a look at the photos and everything in them. I would need to bring MY gear into the building but it looks to be wired up and already acoustically treated "some what". According to the guy who owns it now it was formerly a pro studio here in town and the previous owners took some of the sound treatment with them when they moved out. The rest they left.

I really think with some minimal cash output it could be pretty awesome!

please share your thoughts and ideas. Especially on the sound treatment thats already in place.
Ah ok, so it is half. That sounds like a really solid price, especially for it being so set up already, but I'm not sure if the market is much different near Las Vegas to what I'm used to in CA.
Ah ok, so it is half. That sounds like a really solid price, especially for it being so set up already, but I'm not sure if the market is much different near Las Vegas to what I'm used to in CA.

Right now I am pulling about 2k a month with the bands I have been working with and the re-amps / hip hop stuff I have been doing. So its within the budget. Whats your opinion on the rooms themselves?
Oh and I am sure this is a total NOOB question, but my guess is they had some kind of large board as the built in snakes are built on what looks to be a mutipin system. What would I need to get those connected to my interfaces? The ends look like old printer cables ....

Looks like this:
OK did some research and wondering if something like this would work .... There are a total of 48 inputs available to me in all 3 Live rooms and they all run to a connector like above.

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Hey Jason,

You don't need additional converters, those connectors are D-Sub DB25s and all you need are a few DB25-XLRM 8-channel snakes. I don't know about Hosa's quality but I hear good stuff about ProCo.

After the discussion we had regarding the shit control room the guy built in the other one I decided to try and look for some other places, cause to be honest the other place is turning into a hassle already after being there just about a month.

This new place kinda fell in my lap and I think for the price its worth it. I am just trying to get an idea on how much work it still needs to be ready to go. For the price its really tough to beat.

This is the place I am in now:

Its ragged and no where near "finished" and its going to takea BUNCH of cash to get it done. The "new" place is 4 times the size and has A LOT more options. Oh ya and what you are hearing in the video is just ambient "Bleed" from the live room in the place I am in now. As I said its set up really horribly.
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